Our human, and more specifically Western existence has been summarized through the ancient knowledge of Kemet/Egypt. The day you embrace this truth, is the day you begin to understand the world in which we live, and can start to master your life and build within the community. On this Independence day, let’s use the teachings to liberate ourselves from the packaged ignorance that has kept us from pursuing and achieving freedom in America and around the globe.
I hope to present the knowledge as simply as possible so that we understand, and live out the powerful knowledge our ancestors laid out for us. Hopefully as you study why these symbols were created, and understand that there is no difference between science and religion, seen and unseen, and will see that human behavior has followed specific patterns all throughout history that align with mythology.
Seen and Unseen Reality
We all agree that there are unseen forces in our reality- gravity-or unseen energies like electricity. Science taught us that they exist because the forces and energies can be felt and measured. We do not float off into space because gravity from the orbit of the earth keeps us grounded. That is the simple explanation, although the deeper reasoning for how gravity works is more complex. The Kemetian scientists simplified for us the complexity through mythology.
Why Use Mythology?
The myths of the Egyptian Gods or Neteru “Ntr” are a mystery to much of society. These attributes were called the neteru (pronounced net-er-u, singular: neter in the masculine form and netert in the feminine form). The term, gods, is a misrepresentation of the Egyptian term, neteru.
The myths of the Egyptian Gods or Neteru “Ntr” are a mystery to much of society. These attributes were called the neteru (pronounced net-er-u, singular: neter in the masculine form and netert in the feminine form). The term, gods, is a misrepresentation of the Egyptian term, neteru.
What we were not taught in school is that ancient civilizations ingeniously documented to give us a glimpse into how the energies and forces of the universe operate. In order for humans to be able to see these invisible energies, they had to be made visible through the use of symbols or images we call “Archetypes” represented by the Neteru.
Religion will call these archetypes the attributes of “God”. A mother, or a father is an archetype, so when we think of a mother, we can apply our ideas of “mothering” to animals or even a cartoon character. Jesus or Heru in the Egyptian archetype, symbolizes the hero or the highest level of greatness a human can achieve consciously or spiritually. Isis is the archetype of the mother in Egyptian mythology. Movies are the modern day hieroglyphics and mythology, full of truths of the human experience and often present the themes of the mother or the hero.
These archetypes are governed by laws of the universe. “The ‘same laws’ that operate and energize the sun affect… all of nature during the year. Living vegetation responds to these laws in an eternal and unending cycle of “birth, live, death, and rebirth”.
Religion will call these archetypes the attributes of “God”. A mother, or a father is an archetype, so when we think of a mother, we can apply our ideas of “mothering” to animals or even a cartoon character. Jesus or Heru in the Egyptian archetype, symbolizes the hero or the highest level of greatness a human can achieve consciously or spiritually. Isis is the archetype of the mother in Egyptian mythology. Movies are the modern day hieroglyphics and mythology, full of truths of the human experience and often present the themes of the mother or the hero.
These archetypes are governed by laws of the universe. “The ‘same laws’ that operate and energize the sun affect… all of nature during the year. Living vegetation responds to these laws in an eternal and unending cycle of “birth, live, death, and rebirth”.
Let’s take the Osiris archetype as an example:
“Osiris was viewed as a symbol of new and eternal life and this was deduced from the observation of God’s Cosmos and the operation of the Laws that operate in both the Heavens above (rising/setting sun; waning of the moon) and the Earth below as seen in the cyclical nature of the seasons/Equinoxes/Solstices which are astronomically triggered by the tilt of the earth in relationship again to the sun which is the ultimate symbol of energy for the ultimate energy in whom all consists (God).”
Without understanding the knowledge behind the character of Osiris, it remains only myth, when in actuality it holds the observable truth of our earthly existence.
“Archetypes are visual symbols or energetic imprints that exist in our souls/psyches as reflections of “higher existence” or “powers, forces, patterns” which we find in the universe. The energies that compelled this new cycle of life were understood at “Neteru (nature)”-powers, forces, principles, and energies that find their origin in the ONE God/Energy of the Cosmos. Some of these “archetypes” are readily understood while others bring subliminal messages that are there to help you trigger your memory of why you are here, and the truth behind the illusion of our physical reality. History records for us in various ancient religions larger than life “historical” and or “mythical figures” that are symbolic of these “invisible energies” that operate in the Cosmos…Thus the real is in the invisible realm of the Spirit which is but a shadow reflected upon the wall of fleshly-earthly existence” -C.M. Lyons
How does any of this matter to us in the present? Egyptians understood the invisible realm of our existence and developed an entire system of symbols to communicate the science of the unseen world over generations. These symbols are imprinted into our minds, and through interaction with the symbols, are transmitted through our DNA. The visual media and music also use these symbols to trigger our subconscious, and create specific behavior. Let’s take the archetype of the sexy modern woman: She wears trendy clothing, and she pays mind to her physical beauty, symbolized by the makeup she wears or how she styles her hair. Companies use visual symbols to trigger in women what it means to be beautiful, using symbols of made up faces, clothing styles, or specific body shapes. The unseen energy of seeking beauty, provokes actions to manifest that beauty in the physical to match the archetype of the sexy modern woman. Contrasted with that are the true characteristics of beauty, those which cannot be seen, and cannot be valued by physical attributes. Those are the characteristics of the Neteru. True reality will replace the current false reality when we understand the virtues from the unseen. I will begin to write on the methods in future articles. But know that they are used in every aspect of entertainment, politics, sports, etc. The pyramids are representation of this knowledge. And to those in the know, Washington D.C. and modern society as we know it, were built based on this knowledge. Imagine what WE could build together?
The takeaway is that there are adepts, or students among us in society who have attained this knowledge. Much of the Black Liberation Movement organizations have their teachings rooted in this knowledge. There are those who have taken the path of personal study, or those who have affiliated with groups such as the Freemasons. These people work within every industry, come from all backgrounds, and are generally committed to lifelong learning and application of these principles. Some use the knowledge to better their lives, and others unfortunately, to make life worse for society. This is why we say unequivocally that “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER” and will ultimately set us free.
The Archetype of the Black Man and Woman
The archetype of the Heru/Christ, the ultimate enlightened and empowered being is YOU Black man and woman! The archetypes present to us our “God” nature relative to the universal laws that govern us. By studying and developing the archetype characteristics we bring the unseen forces and energies of the true reality, into the physical reality. Characteristics like love, patience, justice, truth, and the opposites like greed, jealousy, hate, etc. are the unseen building blocks- energy and forces-for creating in the physical reality. Religion has presented the knowledge, but failed to give the true meaning behind the symbols so that they could be used by the masses. The chains of your imposed enslavement in this society immediately lose all power
The takeaway is that there are adepts, or students among us in society who have attained this knowledge. Much of the Black Liberation Movement organizations have their teachings rooted in this knowledge. There are those who have taken the path of personal study, or those who have affiliated with groups such as the Freemasons. These people work within every industry, come from all backgrounds, and are generally committed to lifelong learning and application of these principles. Some use the knowledge to better their lives, and others unfortunately, to make life worse for society. This is why we say unequivocally that “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER” and will ultimately set us free.
The Archetype of the Black Man and Woman
The archetype of the Heru/Christ, the ultimate enlightened and empowered being is YOU Black man and woman! The archetypes present to us our “God” nature relative to the universal laws that govern us. By studying and developing the archetype characteristics we bring the unseen forces and energies of the true reality, into the physical reality. Characteristics like love, patience, justice, truth, and the opposites like greed, jealousy, hate, etc. are the unseen building blocks- energy and forces-for creating in the physical reality. Religion has presented the knowledge, but failed to give the true meaning behind the symbols so that they could be used by the masses. The chains of your imposed enslavement in this society immediately lose all power

This knowledge is not for someone else, but for YOU! Every one of us has the capacity to take on this path of seeking to understand the real world, which is the unseen. We have to begin to see what we are made of, and the Neteru-nature of “God” or the Universe, provides for us the insight into all that we are. The physical reality -proven clearly by the Kemetians, and great thinkers since-is only the shadow of what it real. Studying the archetypes through either Western or Eastern knowledge, will lead us to see the world as it is. Then what? is usually the following question. We continue to learn, teach one another, put the knowledge to use in our daily lives, and manifest the unseen reality of energies and forces so that we can build the life we dream of. This is the most important knowledge kept from us. The false images of who we are, the false history, and the lies of white supremacy will all fall away when we see the UNSEEN Truth. This knowledge is the ultimate source of our Independence. Be sure to share with your family today.
THE NETERU: ARCHETYPES OF GOD’S AGENTS IN CREATION: Craig M. Lyons Ms.D., D.D., M.Div. http://theancientsacredmysteries.com/neteru_archetypes_gods_agents_creation.htm
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