You could say that Dallas based Desmond Blair has taken his life into his own hands but actually the highly talented artist was born without any!
However the lack of hands has not stopped him from honing his skills and creating brilliantly detailed portraits.
Using both arms he carefully layers tone and shading onto the canvas and builds up the details in his incredible works.
Desmond’s passion for art started in his youth where he started to study traditional artistic methods and find a way to positively use what some may call a disability.
He went onto study art and technology and developed his artistic skills not only on canvas but in the computer too producing 2d and 3d art.
During the days he works as a project manager but at night he creates the pieces like you see below!
Personally I find this an extremely inspiring story. Desmond developed a skill with outside of the box techniques and creates pieces that are just beautiful to look at. The detail and unique style make him his own artist.
His disability is a sideline to his extreme talent.
More details and information can be found on his site Believe.Conquer.Inspire is an organization that seeks to activate the potential that people have to overcome adverse circumstances.