Fadumo Dayib is 43 years old, a Somali refugee who fled violence, wasn’t able to educated until she was 14. She now holds three master’s degrees and is doing a Ph.D.
Her master;s are in health sciences and public health and now she is working towards her “women’s governmental participation and empowerment in post-conflict regions” Ph.D.
And, she is being put forward and pushed by many to possible become the first female president of Somalia!
She was originally born in Kenya to a Somali family who were forced to return after being deported. Her family fled to Finland to seek asylum and Dayib began her education.
In 2005 she left Finland to Somalia and started her run for Presidency.
Regarding her 4 children she said:
“And when I was going to Mogadishu in January, I sat them down and I told them that I’m leaving you, but I’m not sure I might come back. And if I don’t, then you have to know that you are also expected to do this. When the day comes and you have the capability to do so, you must fight for democracy. We must not let evil overcome goodness. And they understand why we need to do this for Somalia because they share the love that I have for Somalia.”
Death threats have not stopped her, she is pushing and running for the elections due to be held this year in 2016.
Support is growing, especially amongst Ugandan Twitter users pushing the hashtag #Dayib4President.
Dayib wrote on Twitter:
Fadumo Dayib @fqdayib
#MoveSomaliaForward & never backward. Zero tolerance for#corruption, #crime & #clanism. It’s time a new beginning.
10:18 PM – 20 Jul 2016
Should we all be joining the cause!