I refused to believe that President Obama understood the role of the President and willingly took the job. He has done and will continue to do some things that are totally inhumane.
Further, the majority of the laws and programs benefit the oligarchs and plutocrats. Conversely, those policies desecrate the economic goals and aspirations of the low wage and the middle wage citizens.
Those policies, laws, and programs that are in place maintain a subsistence living for people in countries that they have marginalized. Typically, those countries are where the population is brown or black.
Further, the limited laws that have been passed in this country to protect workers are non existent in those countries . The oligarchs and plutocrats force children into the labor market and take total advantage of them.
Most of us recognize that all types of jobs have been off-shored. Those jobs were technical and non technical. People who assumed that they would be employed until retirement got a wake up call. They lost their jobs.
Returning to our first African American President and his role in this financial charade.
NAFTA, The North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement, was responsible for moving thousands of jobs to other countries, in the Atlantic Ocean region.
Now the President is pushing TPP, Trans-Pacific Partnership. TPP involves countries in the Pacific Ocean region.
The oligarchs and plutocrats have destroyed the economy in most of those countries, as they did in Mexico. As a result of this destabilization, the economies are shot.
In rides the USA with the white hat on.
Unknowingly, the people assume they are going to get some assistance; instead, Â they are going to get hammered.
President Obama, I understand why you look so jacked up.
You have made a bargain with the devils.