Saturday, Al Sharpton and the National Action Networked called for a national march on Washington, DC, to protest the police brutality and the unarmed murder of black men in this country. The event drew  tens of thousands of people from all over the country who were bound together under the mantra that #BlackLivesMatter.
Al Sharpton was able to bring together many of the supporters and organizers from the Eric Garner and Michael Brown movements. These were two of the larger police murder cases dismissed by the Grand Juries without an indictment. Garner was choked to death in Staten Island, NY. Michael Brown was shot to death in Ferguson, MO.
There seems to be a lot of new energy and youth involvement in the regional protest, so many believed bringing the youth together with the Civil Rights era organizers would be a great idea to merge the forces into one. However, tensions began to rise when participants in the march and rally were made aware the National Action Network, Al Sharpton’s organization, set up a VIP section and wanted to make sure only the right people were allowed into it.
Tweets began to flow from the March on DC making reference to the VIP section, which seemed to have baffled the marchers participating in the event. They thought they were there to protest as one for all the #BlackLivesMatter movement and campaigns, but were reminded that a special few have preference over others.
Tweets began to flow from the March on DC making reference to the VIP section, which seemed to have baffled the marchers participating in the event. They thought they were there to protest as one for all the #BlackLivesMatter movement and campaigns, but were reminded that a special few have preference over others.
Protesters said the NAN threatened to call the police to have them removed from the VIP section if they didn’t comply with the order to leave.
No, this shouldn’t be the main focus moving forward as we have to keep this nation’s feet to the fire of justice. However, there is a clear rift between the rising youth energy ready to fight for justice and the old guard of the civil rights era represented by Sharpton, the NAN and their velvet rope VIP section at the rally.