Al Sharpton and The Paper Tigers

by | Aug 29, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

This is a world in which Black people have had to come to grips with a few “facts of our lives” that have been mostly hidden, denied, and reconstructed for the past 400+ years in America.

Those facts are tri-fold in nature and substance:

I Origins and History

II Current Circumstances

III Future Outlook

When the mainstream media reported that Al Sharpton told the people of Ferguson, Missouri that they needed to “stop throwing ghetto pity parties about racism,” it hit me two ways: (1) Doesn’t sound like something Al Sharpton would say, specifically since he leverages ghetto pity parties to keep himself bootstrapped and meaningful in the Black community–there’s nothing he can do for the Black “haves,” they don’t need him; and (2) If he did say it, he really should be ashamed of himself.

A paper tiger is something that is ineffectual, but makes a lot of threatening noises as if it’s going to do something that it never gets around to doing.

That be Al Sharpton, and all of his cronies. For a man that is allegedly such a “Black Leader,” he makes plenty of noise, but doesn’t get anything done. It’s not like he hasn’t had more than 50 years to get it done, and failed on that task and the mission of the ancestors of Black America. Had he (and all of the others of the Black ilk, like the Rainbow Coalition, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the NAACP and SCLC/Urban League, et al) done what they had plenty of opportunity to do before now, Black men in America wouldn’t be in this current mess.

Granted, there are a lot of Black folk who shot him (and them) down along the way. He has that much to his credit.

We got “comfortable,” we decided to assimilate and aspire to economic “whiteness,” and some of us even went so far as to actually re-engineer our god-given gifts and destinies and trade them out like Esau traded his inheritance and birthright for a pot of red stew; and yet -with all of that going on- the economic and judicial “we” forgot that the hatred against Blacks in America, and in fact around the world, never went anywhere–it just resurfaced in another shape and format.

For the most part, Sharpton is “eye shade” in Black America; and so is the other white-inspired Black Leader, Jesse Jackson–and just about all of the rest of them.

They only show up when it is a Brownie point in their corner that gets them paid and in the headlines. They simply were not there for all of the other Black men who didn’t make national headlines.

That said, since white America turned Sharpton and Jackson and even Louis Farrakhan into our “national paper tiger spokespersons,” it is time for some serious introspection about who we are, where we came from, what the situation is now, and how to change it.

I’m going to make it short and sweet:

1) We are the birthright inheritance of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, out of Africa, hence Alkebulan, hence Gondwana.

2) We were translated out of our natural environment because we were sold out by our own ancestors.

3) Europeans, who hailed out of Africa by some method of transmission (whatever the story is now) some 200,000 years afterward, were allowed to come into our lives and disturb God’s Gifts — mainly because we became ungrateful, did not appreciate them and sent them askew in our own efforts to be “gods” of our own making.

In short, Black man created white man out of his own thought processes, and God took that man-made creation (called The ‘son of man’ and not sons of God) and shoved them deep up our arsses in order to let us know beyond a shadow of a doubt that just because we are created IN HIS IMAGE doesn’t mean we are supposed to be working overtime to uproot and replace Him as Author & Finisher of the Faiths.

It’s been tried before, in the Heavenly of Heavenlies itself; and that is the very reason why Black men like Michael Brown are seeing themselves as “angels being constantly hunted and chased by Satan.” Of course.

4) Bump Up: Here we are now, in this day and age, as many call it “living in the last days.” Nobody knows for sure when The Day will come upon us, but we like guessing and making up stories about it.

5) In and about the above-mentioned circumstances, Black men have become The Paper Tigers.

Always and forever growling, grumbling, moaning, bitching, whining and complaining about something ridiculous, and in our “rap music” even YELLING and SCREAMING about stuff in this world that, in the final analysis, doesn’t make a hill-a-beans difference to us one way or the other. [Step up to your A-Game]

6) Given the above, this is not the time to sit around waiting for those “Leaders” who have failed us in the past to do something about circumstances that they had every opportunity to prevent, the circumstances that beset us now. In THIS day and age.

7) First step to redemption, since we are all going to end up acknowledging Who God Is, and why all of this came about, is to turn to The Wall and The Rock of Ages, en masse, and acknowledge and respect that which is our birthright inheritance AS GIVEN.

8) Second step to redemption/salvation is to remain within the realm of right-standing and deal with the world in which we are living now.

9) The third step to stop shuffling our feet on is that WE have been in control of the mess this country is in now for more than 45 years. Now (yesterday) would be the time to stop acting like a 45-year old teenager and “Launch.” This is, for the time being until eternity passes, our country. Like it or not, here we are.

The times and what must be done demand that we not only VOTE for the right-minded elected officials, with thorough background investigations and vetting done beforehand, but that we also GOVERN THOSE WHO GOVERN US.

I believe it was something Madea said that struck on this matter: “Too busy out shopping when you should have been checking the deed.”

10) Yes indeed, Black America has had a bought and paid for DEED to America since the day we set foot in this country, before slavery even happened. It was never THEIR America, it belonged to the Natural Indigenous Citizens and those who came from Africa, and even from Israel, and got here first.

It is our responsibility and duty as citizens of the incorporated United States to vote, to clean house on our own courts, police and sheriffing systems, and judiciaries, and to make sure that we are policing those who police us. Period.

We had control over that situation from Day One, and decided to hit up the sneaker and t-shirt outlet instead of remaking a 200+-year old Constitution that was only meant to kill us or keep us subservient forever.

Whilst we remain here and until the literal “end,” it is not only our civic duty, it is our birthright and god-given responsibility to do so; and until and UNLESS we do it, things shall remain as they are.

It was never the job of the Paper Tigers of outside leadership who only begat more Paper Tigers.

Get ‘er done.


Is it worth it?

They’ve left you with no choice but to go into self-defense mode

Did HE get what he deserved?

Why would you even bother with WorldStar HipHop or BET when you’ve got other choices?

Why are you, Black People, “acting white”? It’s their mess. Give it back to them and walk away.

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