IT AIN’T RIGHT! A $400 Million Prison While 23 Schools Close! This City NEEDS A Black Protest

by | May 24, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Education is one of the keys to reducing crime. Give the young the means and they can fight a lot of the problems they face.

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The USA does not need more prisons, it does need better education and maybe more schools.

So how on earth does Philedelphia think it’s going to improve the lives of it’s citizens by closing 23 schools and adding salt to the wound by spending $400 million on a gleaming new prison. Seriously!!!!

Your Black World reported:

Pennsylvania’s School Reform Commission voted to approve the budget to close the schools in spite of pleas from parents and students not to do so. A total of 23 schools will be closed, roughly 10 % of those in the city. A stunning 81% of those school closings are going to impact black students, even though they only represent 58% of the student body.

According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, students are going to help cover the cities debt by returning to class without new materials for learning. The impact is going to be felt the most in poor communities.

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A total of 3,000 people are going to lose their jobs, and programs in sports, art and music are going to be cut.

And with the new prison the state is building it looks like they already have plans for the poorly educated students.

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Of course, as always, the majority of these school closures will affect the black population. Those rich middle class people can’t be affected right?

BLM and any other advocacy groups need to get on this and get Philly people to the streets.

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