We love and appreciate people who don’t mind speaking truth no matter the situation. This is what we found during the video below when Quanell X was told by Republican political pundit Angela Box that “Black Culture” is to blame for the little girl being slammed, drugged and abused by the school’s resource officer.
The faceoff that has now gone viral was aired Tuesday during a debate style segment. The gloves quickly came off and the internet has been feasting on the way Quanell X destroyed the “Black Culture” argument by turning the tables, reframing the discussion in the shadow of destructive, violent “white culture.”

“It’s time we start addressing the root cause of all this,” she declared. “The disrespect of teachers, this Black Lives Matter movement, this perpetual chip on your shoulder against everybody that’s not like yourself. It’s got to stop. We’ve got to address the culture.”
Quanell X didn’t get upset and lose it, he calmly allowed Angela Box to finish her statement before saying the officer should have been fired, but should also face indictment for attacking a child.
“Ms. Box, nobody supports a disruptive student in a classroom because it stops other kids learning,” Quanell X explained. “But what I do have a problem with is, men should never handle a woman like the way that cop handled that little girl, to turn that desk over the way he did, grab her around her neck, then grabbed that child and threw her across the room, that is unbecoming of a man with decent character and conduct.”
….and then, he went ALLLLLLLL THE WAY IN!
“Now for you to say that we need to deal with the culture of black kids in schools,” he continued. “Let’s deal with the culture of these crazy fanatic white boys who go in schools with guns and shoot and kill everybody.”