No matter how much they try to label the black woman(God) as a whore, thot, baby momma, prostitute, and any other negative name that is invented, let it be known that some us realized that the black woman is the strongest force in the universe. The media makes sure that we see the negative, but here is where we show the positive.
Check out how focused mother and student Tommitrise Collins showed the world her #blackgirlmagic when she completed an exam while in labor.
The 21-year-old Middle Georgia College student said she was only allowed to take her psychology exam that day.
And so, with her contractions three minutes apart, Collins completed the test in an hour and a half, Fox 5 Atlanta reports. Her sister, Shanell Brinkley-Chapman, shared the moment on Facebook last Thursday. The new mother said her goal was to complete the exam before baby Tyler Elise arrived.
“It took me 4-5 hours after the opening of the test to try to put the pain to the side and do it so I wouldn’t have to do it later and I could enjoy my newborn,” Collins, 21, told Fox.
The best part of the whole story? She passed.
Congrats to the new mom!