Marlene Pinnock is a lucky woman. With the string of police officers killing innocent black people, she not only escapes her endeavor with her life, but a bank account full of money as well.
Pinnock is the woman who was pulled over by a California Highway Patrol Officer and beat senseless by the officer. Fortunately, a passing driver was alert and caring enough to film the encounter for the world to see. And as you can imagine, it was an horrific scene to see an officer mounted on top of a black woman and beating her like a dog.
The incident took place on July 1st, 2014, but deliberation in favor of Pinnock only took 9 hours.
Marlene Pinnock is 51 years old. Her attorney Caree Harper says they wanted to ensure she would have enough financial stability to live out the rest of her life in peace. They feel they were able to do this and ensure Officer DAniel Andrew would never be able to work as a police officer again.
This is a great moment for Pinnock, a relief for the black community that this deed didn’t go unpunished, but still doesn’t subdue questions and concern of police brutality towards the black community.