Did I Ever Tell You You’re My Hero…Say What?! Captain America is Black?

by | Jul 18, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

There’s, see, like this documentary, see, and it’s all about superheroes and stuff, see…and there’s these white dudes and a couple of white femme fatales, see, and they are actually in a state of mind where they think they can save the world, see, and rescue people from their fates, and they feel that the police departments are not doing their jobs and that the government don’t care about the people, see.

And if ever the Black community(ies) needed a superhero with some magical powers who could set their own world right again, it would be a Black Captain America.


Madiba’s 96th Birthday – GOOGLE DOODLE

On this day, the 96th anniversary of the birth of “Captain South Africa,” N. Rohilahla Mandela, Black America is definitively in need of a Captain Black America, but this (that, their) Black Captain America is doing what all Captain Americas do … hanging out with white women. As usual.

But that’s beside the point, because we understand our “place” in America–no matter how many Black women are heroes in this world, we’re not supposed to be in depicted that way in Hollywood.

WE get it. Uh huh.

What has Madiba to do with the “new” Black Captain America?

Black America is in need of some heroes, some real ones. Not on TV World, but the real heroes that will actually make a difference outside of the ‘Fantasyland’ in our heads.

Madiba didn’t set out to be a hero, it was just the way he lived his life.

If you watch the Superhero documentary on Netflix, there is a singular takeaway value for the everyday Black men and women in America who are real heroes that no one pays attention to unless they’ve saved a white person (“Magic Negro” malaise), or are in some outrageous contemptible stereotyped fictional format, or are so “assimilated” to the Greater Thous that no one recognizes the cultural conflict that would make a Black superhero think just a little bit (a lot?) different than a white one when making decisions to act.

Takeaway value: The criminal, as well as civil, justice systems across America are at a severe deficit. MIA: Missing in Action. Period.

Be the Miracle. Yeah, Hero. I’m talking to you.

You are the Hero

You are the Hero: Stay alert in your ‘hood.

America’s alleged “heroes,” the police, the judges, the courtrooms, and their pawned-out lawyers are simply incapable of meting out lucid justice in any form that anyone could call “fair.”

Let’s be real about “fairness,” too. Fairness is as fairness does, so whoever loses a case or whoever is convicted of a crime, the system is always going to be unfair. To them.

Yadda yadda…

But when Black celebrities can say things like Chris Rock said and nearly every Black person in America is nodding their head in agreement (paraphrased) “My dad taught me that Black people can never win in this justice system, so he said that even though you can’t beat them, you can always beat their asses.” Boom.

That’s about the size of it. Seriously. Rock’s dad is now my hero, just for telling it like it is.

Most of us can ‘whip it’ without having a small-minded physical street altercation or a killer instinct that reminds us too much of what ‘acting white’ really looks like in the real world, and not in the fantasy fiction one they make up in their heads to relieve themselves of white guilt at our expense (i.e., TV shows like “Bad Boys” or “Str8 Outta Compton”). Many of us can even do it without marching and boycotting.

It’s 2014. There must be a better way.

The Blackness of Truth, Justice and the American Way: Protect Yours.


WIRED: Black Captain America is Not Enough

NewsOne: Panel Supports Release of 46k Drug Felons

The FreeThought Project: Man shoots at cops unlawfully entering his home…exonerated

The Murder of Eric Garner, July 17, 2014: And Yet a Child Murderer, Hate Criminal, Lyncher. and Racist like George Zimmerman still walks free

Black Americans need real heroes.

STOP THIEF! We need some REAL heroes in Black America, not their kind.

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