Rules of Engagement:Â One player starts the game by asking another to choose “Truth or Dare?” If the player chooses “truth”, then the first player poses a question, usually an embarrassing one, which the second player must answer truthfully. If the player instead chooses “dare”, then the first player sets them a task, often an embarrassing or dangerous one, which player two must perform.
I’m the first player. You, the Reader, are the second player.
Assumption 1: We already drew straws and I won.
Assumption 2: I get to ask all the questions and you can only choose “truth” or “dare” for each one.
Assumption 3: If you choose “Dare” for any of these questions, the task is that you must hold your breath and wait until the world becomes a better place all by itself.
Question 1: Is Hollywood run by pimps, whores, homosexuals, racists, or “all of the above”?
Question 2: Is the current “rap music” industry a viable economic resource in the Black community, or a total long-term bust?
Question 3: Can Black/African-American people file a valid claim with the United Nations, based on European hate-mongering, for global and economic terrorism in the United States and around the world?
Question 4: In the socially moralistic game “It Takes a Village Idiot,” how many more times will President Barack Obama be ravaged by the ‘Soul Patrol‘ and the duplicitous Republican ‘Tea Party‘ before he leaves office in January 2017?
Question 5: Is it a good idea for Black and/or African-Americans of European-incited slavery origins to become sovereign U.S. citizens and hold their own Constitutional Convention?
Question 6: Do Black people have the ability to get off the corporate “transient” list and become actual landholding citizens of the United States of America?
Question 7: Is it imperative to have national Black leadership in the U.S.A. in these modern times, the coming of age of the Millennials?
Question 8: Under the Wall Street ‘hearth and home’ predatory lending scams that were instituted and beefed up during the Reagan, Clinton and “W” Bush presidencies, Â will African-Americans unify as did the Latino community to gain a foothold back into their own economic standing in America?
Question 9: Are the three ‘Coat Hanger’ Amendments to The U.S. Constitution (the 13th, 14th and 15th) a true indication of full rights of citizenship (as in “all men are created equal”) to Black/African-American people?
Question 10: Is there a cogent “Talented Tenth” (of exceptional Black men/women) in today’s America who can, or ever could, lead the ‘other 90-percent’ to certain economic and social gain?
Which of those questions did you choose for “truth” and which ones for “dare”?
If you chose ‘dare’ on any of them, what did you do to escape reasoning the question out in order to find some kind of truth?
Are you prepared and ready to go come January 20, 2017?
Did you decide, as a result of President Obama’s example, that it is time for Black Americans and white America to part ways?
Have you established a foundation, using President Obama as a large-scale example of how to work within the system, to lead the way for a better Black America in the years to come?