Trump’s Only Legacy: Glory Glory Hallelujah-Destroy President Obama’s Legacy

by | May 2, 2017 | Opinion | 0 comments

So far …

Amidst all of the phenomenal epic failures of the Trump Administration for the past 100 days, the world view is on a President who is totally and thoroughly ignorant of American history and is insanely jealous of a Black man he could never have beaten in an election.

Trump’s First 100 is now headed into the Second 100, and his one and only target and motivation now seems directed at destroying every single solitary legacy left by The Obamas. He is not attacking the message, he is shooting at the messenger.

It is shocking to discover that the Obama’s lives at The White House have been archived as required by law, especially considering all of the OTHER laws Trump has given the middle finger salute to for more than three months now.

Yet and still, Barack Obama only got a small slice of what Black people in America have to live with day in and day out. President Obama made the right decisions when it came to how he handled Black America for eight years, because he wasn’t going to win with this crowd no matter what he did.

However, he did what he could with what we handed him.

We gave him an oppositional Congress mostly filled with horrid Republicans and their Blue Dog Democrat and Indie friends, so he accomplished what he could with what the American people decided a Black president deserved the most — vehement and vile racist opposition.

Nobody believes in Trump’s ability to “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”, but they do believe that they have just the white stooge in place to make sure the Black man comes up looking like Dog Doo in the history books. Seems destroying Obama’s legacy is more important to him and his friends than upholding the promises he made to the white supremacist oppressive faction of a nation that is truly no longer theirs. They just refuse to acknowledge it like the South refused to acknowledge they lost the Civil War.

Problem is, and most folk may find this hard to believe at the moment because it looks dire, this backfires on Trump in ways he can’t even begin to imagine.

It isn’t even a matter of if, but when. How long? Read the REAL history books printed before 1990. Trump can’t prevail or succeed at anything except taking his racist friends for their final color-stained ‘hoohah soiree’ ride around America.


When the history books talk about Trump, all that is going to be said about him is that he spent most of his time in office thinking the only work involved in being President meant signing anything shoved in his face without reading it, playing golf with taxpayer money at his own properties, making speeches that amount to a zero on the American landscape, and obsessing about the fact that a Black man by the name of Barack H. Obama shoveled a boatload of bricks up the asses of every racial stereotype on the books, and then some.

The turnaround and converse happening now, what the world needs to see, is that THOSE white people are every bit of the very insane generalist bullshit that they ever spewed about an entire race of Black people, even when it comes to violence and theft. Every word they spake has come back to haunt them, and their children, and their children’s children … forever.

Trump, having failed at being a decent president, has nothing left to do now BUT throw The Obamas ‘under a bus’ and to throw his astronomical weight at implied global and international wars that have, so far, resulted in nothing more than “friendly fire,” or Americans killing other Americans and saying “Oopsies!.”

He does seem to be overly-concerned with national parks, though … even to the point of pretending he cares by allegedly tossing his first presidential $15k paycheck over to the National Park Service.

Now that Trump has nothing left to do except threaten to start various non-committal wars and seek and destroy every single thing President and Mrs. Obama accomplished for eight years, and then chop it up in a jealous castrating “his dick must be bigger than mine” rage, all we have left to do is sit back and watch the fireworks.

Trump has no truth that will go marching on, glory glory hallelujah. His life in office is filled with nothing other than obsessing on Barack Obama.

He has no choice but to hedge his own legitimacy on making it appear Barack Obama was not legitimate, and to kowtow like a lowly beggar to his rac-emongering constituents. It’s all he has left, unless he has the audacity to admit Barack Obama was right and turn himself into an overnight instant hero of the fickle and mentally feeble by expanding Medicaid, enhancing the Obama legacy and telling the jackasses who are making a complete fool of him to “go str8 to hell”.

But he won’t. Trump is not that much of what is currently recognisable as a real man.

Race Wars

Awhile back, I remember saying that there were advocates for a Race War for many years, in white nationalist places like Stormfront, the front kitchen of white hot ghetto mess male hatred and their klanswomen who can only obey their instructions without thinking for themselves.

They’ve been practicing for it, preparing and training for it — artillery, war paint, tatts, military dugouts, the whole nine.

They are worse than Islamic Jihadists with this “we demand a race war” crap that they are ultimately going to lose, and that is written in the stars. Charlie Manson couldn’t even pull it off, and he made headlines trying to start it by killing a bunch of white folks and attempting to blame it on Black people.

I stated that they were going to get a race war, but it wouldn’t be the one they were expecting. I have a feeling I was right.

Trump's America smells like old decaying rags

Trump’s American Legacy: As meaningless as he is, and dying…

In the meantime, Trump began his legacy as a failure, motivated by nothing other than making his way to the historical fecal sludgepile with the likes of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Thomas J. “Stonewall” Jackson, and even “I will never get my likeness carved” Clarence Thomas.

[ Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. – Rev. 12:12 ]
To be sure, Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Medgar Evers went out as national and world-wide heroes, and these men carved in stone in Georgia went out as dead anti-matter whose names are only remembered by the educably uninformed, the unenlightened, and the formidable dusty and crusty who have one leg in the mouth of a yawning grave and another on a banana peel.

At this moment in history, to us, Trump is just as dead as are these stone-aged carvings in Georgia, right along with their worthless confederate money, relic and meaningless confederate flags, and their beloved crazed dueling hotheaded gunslinger, Andrew Jackson – who died before the Civil War even started.

Like Trump, Jackson couldn’t for the life of him have told anyone what the Civil War was about.

But Hey. It’s already as if Trump were never here.

The moment just has to pass us by and take him with it.


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