“Moonlight” Acceptance Speech, A Beautiful Call for Inclusion

by | Feb 27, 2017 | News | 0 comments

For their work on the moonlight script, Barry Jenkins and Tarell Alvin McCraney won the Best Adapted Screenplay Oscar on Sunday Their speech was every bit as inspirational as the more publicised speech by Viola Davis (which was also amazing and can be seen here).

It was a call against President Trump’s policies, a call to support the American Civil Liberties Union and so much more! Here is the transcript:

Barry Jenkins: Thank you to the Academy. Thank you, A24. Thank you Plan B. Thank you to our amazing cast. Thank you, my mom, my sister, everybody in Miami. I want to thank my reps, three amigos, Jay Baker at CAA, Joel Ross and Jamie Feldman. And two women in particular. My publicist, Paula Woods and Paula Seacrest. Thank you for taking care of me. I told my students, be in love with the process, not the result. I really wanted this result. All you people who feel like there’s no mirror for you, the academy has your back, the ACLU has your back, we have your back, and for the next four years, we will not forget you.

Tarell Alvin McCraney: Amen, brother. I just want to echo everything he just said, but I want to say thank God for my mother, who proved to me through her struggles and the struggles that Naomie Harris portrayed for you, that we can be somebody. Two boys from Liberty City up here representing 305. This goes out to all those black and brown boys and girls and nongender conforming who don’t see themselves, we’re trying to show you you, and us. Thank you, thank you. This is for you.

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