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“Where Have All Our Starlets Gone?” Death Of The African America Starlet In Hollywood | Urban Intellectuals

“Where Have All Our Starlets Gone?” Death Of The African America Starlet In Hollywood

by | Sep 25, 2013 | Celebrities, Culture | 0 comments

Hello UI. There are things in this world that are in your face, and direct. We see these things as threats, and tackle them head on with vigor, and strong emotional feelings. However there are many small wars that rage on, yet are so subtle that we tend to forget that they exist. I would like to bring to light one of these wars. That fight is that of the black starlet. For decades we have enjoyed the supple curves of women such as Lena Horn, Ertha Kit, Josephine baker, and many others from that era. Next came the stunning Pam Grier and Nichelle Nichols.


starlet4We ended the era with almost too hot for TV Bern Nadette Stanis and The lovely Diane Carroll. These women were the standard of the time. They were everywhere you could imagine as the hot women of that time. Every young boy or lesbian girl had a poster of these women on their wall and fantasized about meeting them someday. As the decades rolled on, there were many others such as Stacy Dash, Jada Pinkett, Nia Long, Angela Bassett, Lisa Bonet,(Personal fave Cree Summer) Lark Vorhies… I would go insane trying to name them all. Then came the 2000’s. We began to see a decline in black female sex symbols. We began to see the bi-racial/ non-African America woman, become popular. Just as in the 60’s and 70’s many roles began to be filled by Puerto Rican, Cuban, and other types of Latinas who were now the industries standard for “Black”. Now when we look at TV, Movies, even music videos, we see a different type of woman. No longer do we see full heritage Blacks women, but women who are bi-racial, and or Latina. What happened? Where have all the black starlets in Hollywood gone to?

I was just discussing this with a friend of mine the other day. We were talking about the many black females that we used to swoon over growing up. Now I don’ see very many who get put on that type of pedestal. Sure there a few actresses out there. However they are either altered by being lightened for the camera, or they simply do not get the roles that we would want to see them in. I feel sorry for this generation and others after it for they will never see a beautiful black woman on TV or in movies because of this. They are forced to look up to butt models, and carefully selected women like “Kerry Washington” who basically is not an accurate example of what most African American men want physically. They have made it fashionable to be with a woman of another race. The example was started years ago and has now come to fruition. M proof of this is the world of athletes, rappers, and black actors who have chosen women of other cultures other than their own. I will admit that every person should love whomever they see fit. I myself have had a few non-black female partners. However I did not rule them out completely. Another sad trend in America is that there an astounding number of Black Men who are now of the Belief that “I don’t date Back girls.” Is an acceptable way of being, and that it is a sign of suaveness as a man. This is disturbing because, again you should date whomever you want, but to rule out an entire race of women is simply ridiculous. To make a generalization on something that is as complex as the human psyche shows lack of intelligence.

Look… I’m not saying this to be Pro Black or to portray myself as a bigot, but where are my people? It just seems as if we are so willing to follow trends that we have let this simple slip right from underneath us. Hattie McDaniel would be ashamed. After all that we went through to be recognized and seen as legitimate actors and actresses, we should demand that we see more attractive Black Females who satisfy a variety of tastes and flavors. I know we have a few, such as Megan Goode and Zoe Kravitz, but they are not getting the roles that whites or even Latinas do. When you look at it on a pie chart it is extremely uneven. I want my child to be able to see a woman who looks like his mother and other women in his family and say “They are pretty just like mommy.” However with this sea of endless booty models, who are to me at least to me a reminder of the Sarah Barrtman  disgrace, (Research if you don’t know her history) a just don’t know if there will be a respectable black woman to adore. What do you think of the death of the Black starlet? Or do you even believe that it has taken place?

I for one feel that there are none to speak of that hold any weight anymore, and that we have let it happen with our excessive need to keep up with the trends that American media has set. Alright UI… It’s your turn… Go.


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