SMH: Democrat Party Show What They Really Think Of Black Lives Matter With Leaked Memo!

by | Sep 1, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Well, it’s not exactly a shock to get confirmation from a political party that it sees a movement like Black Lives Matter as something to be “handled” not “engaged”. But, it’s still good to have it in black and white, hard evidence.

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Basically, it gives #BLM some info in solid form and shows they need to keep doing their own damn thing and not let political candidates pretend to cosy up to them.

But, of course, we all knew that already.

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The leaked confidential memo was recently made public by hacktivist blog Guccifer 2.0. The blog said that it was originally sent on November 19th 2015 by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s Troy Perry. Troy now works on Hillary Clinton’s campaign (surprise surprise!).

So what does the memo even say?

Well, it says that Black Lives Matter is a “radical movement to end ‘anti-black racism'” and gives advice that democratic officials should not “offer support for concrete policy positions.

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Pfffff, screw them!

The memo is below:


The DCCC made a statement to and said

“We will not allow this hacking to distract from our common goals nor disparage the BLM movement. We continue to welcome further engagement with activists and BLM leaders nationwide.”

Sounds like BS!

And #BLM have said:

“We deserve to be heard, not handled,…

“People are dying…

“We demand and are fighting every day for a radical transformation of American democracy where all Black lives are valued. We expect that our elected officials will stop pacifying and take us seriously.”

Shake My Head!

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