This Couple Saves About $100,000 Per Year For Retirement

by | Aug 28, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

How much are you saving monthly? If I had to guess, I bet it is less than $83 because 2/3 of Americans have less than $1000 in savings, but this one couple is managing to save $100,000 per year. Alicia and Nelson White, a 27-year-old couple from Arlington Texas is saving $93,901 a year. Before you can fix any problem, you have to first identify it, that’s what the White’s did. They took a hard look at where they were financially and found that they had a 25 year repayment plan on their student loans alone, so instead of wallowing in worry, they made a decision to get serious about saving and funding their retirement.

Realizing that they could be making wiser financial decisions, Alicia began following finance blogs and websites to learn about different repayment options and early retirement. She started aggressively attacking her largest loan because it was accruing the most interest, and decided she needed to earn more income. Her current job wasn’t going to give her the pay raise she needed so she had to make a career change.

Her strategy was to increase her worth, so she started taking business classes so she would be more marketable professionally. She took classes to earn the “Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter (CPCU)” designation. As a result of her constant self-improvement, she has been able to raise her annual salary from $48,500 in 2013 to over $100,000 today.

Nelson is a full time college student who believes in having multiple streams of income. He is a barber by trade but to diversify his income, he opened a used car lot and sells cars on the side.

Pre-Tax Savings:
Alicia’s 401(k): $18,000
Employer match: $4,800
Alicia’s IRA: $5,500
Nelson’s IRA: $5,500
Nelson’s SEP: $18,000
Total: $51,800

After-Tax Savings:
Savings: $41,501

Currently Nelson and Alicia are on track to pay off their last student loan by November. Saving $93,901 for the next 8 years at a 25% tax bracket, earning 8% interest on their money, they will be cash millionaire by 35. The White family, said they’d rather hustle now, sacrifice their time putting in extra hours at the office or into side hustles, to ensure that they won’t have financial stress or the stress of needing employment when they’re parents.

Original Source: Here

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