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If We Invented It… Then Why Is It Taboo In Our Community? | Urban Intellectuals

If We Invented It… Then Why Is It Taboo In Our Community?

by | Aug 29, 2013 | Blog | 0 comments

Hello UI fam. Most people would think if a person invents a thing, then they should be able to enjoy it without ridicule, or remarks about you betraying your own people… Right? Well, I have another one of life’s internal questions that desperately needs an answer. In the world of rock music there is a certain culture that follows it. Many people believe that it is a more white suburban one that is at the forefront. Though there are other people who listen to rock music, rock in this nation has been classified as white.

chuck-berry-7My question is, what of the other kinds of people who listen to the heavy guitars and deep screaming? What of the people who find comfort in the abstract expressions of depression that some rock music portrays? Well what of them? The people I am referring to are generally black and are expected to listen to rap, r&b, jazz, or blues. Other people are included in this demographic, but today I want to speak of the black experience.

We are considered to be “sell outs” if you will, or that we have been “white washed”. This unfortunately is the stigma that we have been given all because we enjoy the hardcore thrashing of metal or the artistic tones of indie rock. Just because we enjoy this type of music we are not less black, asian, indian or whatever race that we are. Now how did this even start? Black people were the original people who started rock and roll. People like chuck berry, little richard, and muddy waters were the first to create this phenomena of music that swept the world. So if this is the case, then why are black people considered to be the pariahs of this music in today’s world? I don’t really have an answer for this one.

For the first time I’m stumped. I being one of these so called outcasts, do not understand why this is. I will go to concerts, shows at bars, and even buy my favorite metal CDs at stores, and still I get odd looks. I have even heard someone mutter “OMG what is that black guy doing here .” I would love to go into a rant in front of everyone about how stupid the comment was, but that would only give me negative attention. The lead singer of my favorite metal band is black so why do people who fit the stereotype for today’s metal head still look at me and others like me as “the black guy who listens to rock”, instead of being a metal head like everyone else. What is all boils down to is white people claiming something for themselves that was never theirs the first place, again.

I normally don’t make statements like this because I am a strong believer in equality, but to simply put it, it is what it is. Not all people are like this but there is a large population that is, especially when it comes to rock music. The really sad thing is that this does not just come from whites. It also comes from many blacks who have this diluted idea of what “black music” is supposed to be. I laugh at these people who say we are uncle toms or wannabe white.

The reason being is that we started the music, so truly who is “keeping it real” with their roots? My point is that music should be enjoyed by everyone. Just because someone is not associated with a certain type of music, does not mean that they do not love it or feel it in their souls any less than someone that fits a stereotype. I love rock and all types of music. Just don’t label me or anyone else as trying to be something that we are not,when in our hearts, this is who we are. If you are like myself. respond.

If you are not, please respond. I would also like to see the response of people who feel that people of a certain race should listen to a certain type of music. The newer Generation is not feeling it as I did growing up, however it is still there. I know I can’t be the only person ho is in to rock music and has faced these demons. What say you intellectuals… Thoughts?

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