It’s all good for those amongst you who are not guilty of this, and you should congratulate yourself for being responsible enough not to let your dick come before your wife, your children, your family, AND your community.
But … as hard as it is to say this, I was blown away by a video of a judge berating a room full of MOSTLY BLACK teenagers in some Hicksville town in America who were “in trouble with the law.” What she said was right and true, and it is highly true that they have personal choices to make about their lives in spite of their family histories.
It also ticked me off that some white nationalists, on the other hand, had something ugly to say about Black “thugs” when they are the chieftains of white thuggery the world over. It wasn’t the part about them being “thugs who deserved it,” because many of them are. It was the insinuation that a hell of a lot of Black people aren’t jailed on racist innuendos alone. Because a lot of them are. A racist innuendo comes before proof and evidence in some courts, as we have finally figured out.
There are Black people in jails and prisons for too long on minor offenses that white people commit everyday and don’t get so much as a backward glance or a slap on the hand. There are also the Black people who actually did what they did wrong and confess it … but are given far too much time in exchange for the minor offenses they committed, and/or who sit ‘on ice’ waaayyyy too long to even get a chance to not defend themselves in the face of public defenders who align the need to “convict for money” with that of the prosecutors, the new slavery.
There is an even different kind of internalized slavery going on in the Black community, sexual slavery. And I hate to be the one to call out the MORE THAN obvious, but these little baby girls come out of the mother’s womb being treated like nothing but clits for men, white and Black. And for some of them, their own mothers teach them to slut it up. ‪#‎MissCelieandMister‬
“Awww, it ain’t nothing but a little p*$$y” ends up being a lifetime revolving door of never-ending cyclical action that deploys the next generation of assholes that are raised in this world. It is rightly stated that a “night of passion can bring a lifetime of heartache.”
Unfortunately, the Judge in this video may be telling them the truth about their own responsibilities; but I’ll be the one to tell the parents that indeed, this is some of ya’ll’s damned fault too. You who do raise your children to devalue themselves, tell your daughters it’s okay to slut it up, and the shootdown of the Black community IS your fault and that goes for the mama’s and the daddies alike.
These young Black girls learn at a very young age -before they are old enough to understand it- that all they are to Black men is p*$$y.
Even the most ‘righteous’ coochie-getting Black men do is wait until these young hot tender females are old enough to be “legal.” Not because they respect age or maturity or wisdom in the girl’s ability to make choices, but because they don’t want to be accused of an act of child molestation.
Some Black man who owned a record store back in the day propositioned me at the age of 16. However, there was no upside for me, not only because he had a wife and I am NO man’s ‘side piece’ under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, but because he had the nerve enough to offer me minimum wage and no benefits … meaning he was going to be getting it all, and me nothing more than a slave wage job. Good thing I wasn’t desperate at the time like some of these other young girls who are bought and traded on the Black Female Slave Mart; plus, I had the sense enough to take my Big Phat Voluptuous Ass back to high school and ultimately to college. Better a job with a white man who pays for the work so I can go home in peace, than a Black man who thinks I’m supposed to work AND “eff” him in exchange for the privilege of making shyt-change. That’s more of a dead-end job than working in the basement of a paper mill. I was born AT night, not last night.
The law doesn’t protect a Black Female when she is a victim caught off guard, so there is duly and triply no protection when an ‘intentional victim’ brings it on herself. Some of these horn dogs are even slobbering at their doors waiting for their 18th, 19th and 21st birthdays to pass right after high school…and we wonder why these young Black girls act the way they do when they get older and start slobbering all over men who aren’t even worth it.
I heard the biggest crime in the world is a man who awakens a woman’s love with no intention whatsoever of loving her back. It’s true.
These young Black women know they are not The Prize, just Some P^$$y, and they know that white women are more valued than they are — especially by some “No-Jay Simpson” type Black man, and that what is between their legs is all Black men care about, especially the ones who are such bottom feeders that they won’t go ahead and buy themselves a full grown professional who at least gets paid decent money to do it.
One thing leads to another, especially when these “young fresh hot clits” get abandoned by the guys (boys and grown ass men) who knocked them up, which starts the POVERTY cycle all over again. And yes, Black men are the single biggest cause of the continuing poverty of Black women and children.
These young women become hot to trot “empire and scandal watchers” who pass this white-washed Horn Dog krakka’s mess on to the next generation. They become the whores and lesbians and raise the “phays” of the next generation IN THE HANDS OF BLACK MEN, the daddies, brothers, brothas, uncles, cousins, and all else with a dick like them.
Truth told, Biblically, scripturally, ethically and morally, the Lord God Almighty gave MAN the responsibility to take care of and protect OUR women instead of leaving them alone to be attacked and accosted by TALKING SNAKES and then abandoned to raise children alone.
Back in my day, there were “sympathy marriages” made mostly of the few Black men out there who hated to see a young Black girl end up raising some hot dog dingaling’s child/ren alone.
There is no end to any of the out of control “statistics” about this, that, the other, and a third in the total Black community when Black males can’t get control of their schlongs. Quite frankly, I’m tired of hearing about ‘black people problem resolution’ in a world where it can’t and won’t end until someone takes responsibility for the hell behind the chaos. And Black women? The ones who are old enough to know better? The need to stop egging it on.
My requirements for a Black men to even so much as “date” me … He MUST be politically and socially active and engaged, he MUST know the entire city council, the mayor, the chief of police, the sheriff and the “vice principal” or acting sheriff; he MUST know all the elected reps in his district who go to Washington DC to rep “US” in the state, and he must know who is on the School Board and who is the superintendant of that school board. He MUST be an ALPHA MALE who loves the Lord God more than he ever would a woman or even his dingaling. He MUST keep up with these officials and make sure he lets them know who is the boss of them. He must be a registered voter who understands that the only time Black people get to boss white people is when they are stupid enough to run for public office. He must be ENGAGED and VESTED in the welfare and political ambitions of the children, teens, and seniors in his community, whether or not he carries a degree and the appropriate titles on his shirtsleeves. Degrees don’t matter when there is a nation to rebuild with or without it.
Yes, white men and women do these audaciously filthy things, too; but THEY CAN AFFORD THE HITS. Hell … They’ve got their money and resources, and OURS, too. Plus “racist innuendos” don’t work on them in a court of law. Only us.
Black folk gave whites our lives and resources, we’re still doing it now; so at least they were smart enough to build a white nationalist world that would cushion and condone their bullshit while we were busy putting black men’s dicks at the forefront of a movement rather than taking care of business on the homefront.
We cannot afford to “whore it up” like white people, even with other women’s husbands, Ladies, and these nasty American white pirates were the ones from whom we learned this crap in the first place. WE were better than this and it wasn’t that long ago that we were better than this.
Plus, I have some news for you gays and foreign/white women who lust after it — all Black men don’t have big dongs. Very FEW do, to tell the truth.
Nah … It ain’t ” D. White Mann’s fault” Black America is in this mess. And it’s never going to get better until Black men stop throwing their meaningless dicks into every conversation outside of their own wives.
Not this time.
History Teacher Who Told Black Girl All She was Good for is Sex and Babies Resigns … we’re our own worst enemies. White people don’t have to do anything to us any more, they taught us well how to best destroy one another.

Girls and Ladies, Barbara and Shirley were both stupid… Black men aren’t going to tighten up on their A-game until their mothers, girlfriends and wives demand it.
Happens to little Black girls and teens all day every day, no “sob” stories for us …