Word has come around again that an age-old argument is back on the table.
It’s about Blackness, and it’s called “Don’t call me Black.”
In the age of these “new Blacks,” they need not think for two seconds that us grandma’s haven’t seen and heard this same old sort of stuck-on-stupid argument come around the corner again and again. We had “new Blacks” in the sixties, the seventies, the eighties, and the 1990s, and for some reason other another, it’s 2015, and they are back again.
We have been hearing it for at least the past five decades, longer for others. We are Black people. Period.

Simeon, the Nigerian. An artist’s depiction of one of the Black Men who traveled with the Lord and Savior, Christ, throughout Mesopotamia. They were all Black men, and so was The Messiah Himself.
Black is not just a skin color, it’s a spiritual connection to heart center of the Earth and rooted in the Motherland.
And by that, we don’t just mean Africa, but also in the heartland of Eurasia and the Far East (Mesopotamia and Persia), where the original blue-Black man originated.
If you do not believe there is a God, you aren’t going to get this part, so you can just skip on past it and head to the scientific piece – which is blue-Black man (Alpha Male) originating in Northern Africa/Eurasia some 200,000 years before a white face was ever seen on this planet.
If you do believe in God, always remember this: “And God created man from the dust of the ground (or the soil of the Earth), and breathed into his nostrils the Breath of Life, and man BECAME a living soul.”
That soil from which man (Adam) was created was the blue-black fertile crescent soil of the Upper Nile River Valley nearly one quarter of a million years ago, so the scientists tell us. This one statement alone, Genesis 2:7, not only breaks us down to our least (physical/body/soil) and greatest (spiritual/Breath of Life/pneuma) common denominators, but it leaves no room for doubt as to the existence of a “living soul” – our conscience and consciousness.
The body acts and reacts (this is why ‘faith without works is dead’), the breath keeps us alive and emotionally engaged (this is why ‘the breath returns to Him who gave it’), and the soul is the vehicle through which we learn and have and seek to have and retain KNOWLEDGE and learning.
We don’t have to be able to scientifically “prove” any of this in order to be able to read the words. Believe it, don’t believe it, that’s what it says. What you choose to believe is up to you.
In the world in which we live, so many Black people have tried very hard to deracinate themselves to a very white and light gradient and hue, and call themselves anything BUT Black, but that is of no consequence on origin. The world would not exist if it were not for blue-Black man (we call him Adam) and blue-Black woman (we call her Mother Eve, or scientifically speaking, “Mitochondrial” Eve).
White people cannot teach or tell us about anything we should know for ourselves. They cannot even teach us proper mathematical equations, for those also originated with our Arabic ancestors who TAUGHT IT TO THEM. We understand math and arithmetic in a way that no one else in this world does, it is a genetic inheritance.
This is why even when we learn or take the time out to learn their portion or ‘piece’ of it in European-instituted schools, we EXCEL at it and blow it up. This world was not theirs to give, and it certainly is not theirs to take away.
Some say they fear the word “Black” from us. That is because that word -in and of itself- is extremely and excessively powerful.
It harks back to an existence in this world of Black Man and Woman that happened long before they were here or even thought up; and of that, maybe they should be afraid. It speaks of a spiritual connection to God Himself that is so close to His heartbeat that there isn’t a sliver of space between us and Him for anyone to squeeze a fingernail, let alone an entire body. Not a physical body, or even a “body of knowledge.” That they are uncomfortable with the word “Black” is a personal problem for them, and it is of no consequence to us. None. Whatsoever.
We like to delve in and dive in on the words “scientific proof,” but the truth is that science only exists because God is the Ultimate Scientist. He knew EXACTLY what He was doing, and why.
So … If you think you are not “Black,” then don’t bother speaking to us about your personal problems.
We’re Black, even as Persians, Mesopotamians, Eurasians, and as Africans, and even when our skin color is not Black:Â CALL ME BLACK.
And don’t get it twisted, we’re DANGED and DAMNED proud of it.
It Is as it was Intended…from the Beginning of Man’s Existence on Earth.