UIMD: The Tried, The Test and The Tested

by | Dec 15, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments


It was once said of this life —

“I feel like I’ve been invited to a big huge stupid crazy birthday party without even so much as the right to refuse the invitation. And just when the party gets real good, feeling good, the music is fabulous, the food is tasting scrumptious, the house lights are not too bright and not too dim, the groove is going, the drinks are flowing and everything starts to feel really really nice, the DJ shouts out over the MIC: You ain’t got to go home, but you gots to get the hell up outa here!

House lights up. Harsh cold reality sets in. Hell is correct and the DJ is the devil just when I thought I was in heaven.


That good-looking guy is a total dud and not as handsome as he looked in the dark, and that beautiful lady don’t look so hot and phat under a bright light without the enticing energetic sounds still vibrating off the walls.

Or as Elton John put it,

Is it written in the stars? Are we paying for some crime? Is this all that we are good for? Just a stretch of mortal time? Is this God’s experiment? In which we have no say? In which we live in paradise, if only for a day … 

But now the ultimate test has come: What happens when this “party” is over?


Was the roof really on fire?

If it is true that those who do not remember the past are doomed to repeat it, then it must be even more true that those who do not pass the test of life are doomed to have to take it again, and keep taking it until they do pass.

Like being stuck in a broken record of a nightmare, The Twilight Zoney kind, the BIG tests keep coming back repetitiously and religiously, ad nauseum, until we “get it” whether we had time to study for it not.

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