You might think I’m playing in the title saying someone should choke themselves if they only celebrate black history during February, but you would be wrong. I would love for these people to choke themselves because it is illegal for me to do it for them.
Nevertheless, some people need it spelled out for them that they are contributing to the problems in our community by only recognizing, celebrating and perpetuating our history once a year, so it is my duty as the official, unofficial say what needs to be said person in the black community to let these people have it.
And oh yes, I am on my job!
Let’s get into the reasons I feel anyone who only celebrates black history month during February should choke themselves.
You Don’t Understand The Importance of Your History
There is no other way to put this. If you are only celebrating, talking about or spreading black history during February, you clearly don’t get it.
If you are under the age of 24, then I might give you a pass because as a youth, I didn’t get why my father was constantly bombarding me with historical facts, field trips and insight. I thought history was a thing of the past that should be left there and more than likely you do as well.
What happened? I grew up. I kept reading, studying, and being inspired by our ancestors and international black history. I started to connect the dots to how events of the past shape our modern day reality. I grew up physically, but more importantly I grew up mentally.
It is time for you to do the same and realize our history is the key to our future.
You Don’t Realize How Having A Month Is Insulting In 2014
In the 1920’s when Carter G. Woodson started Black History Week, it was completely understood. He had to do something to get the black community and America to pay attention to the contributions we have made to this world. This was a time when we didn’t get any credit for anything, so it is understood for Woodson to want to do something.
I fully understand when it was expanded to a month, the black people of the 70’s felt like some progress was being made, so I don’t fault them either.
However, here we are in 2014 and you silly Negroes still running around like having a Black History Month is cool??? What the hell is the purpose of having all this techonology to research and learn 24/7/365 if all you are going to do is play Candy Crush or some other bullshit?
When Carter G. Woodson set out, there was no Internet. I’m not even sure if your libraries had any black history stocked in their shelves, so it made sense then…even in the 70’s, but in 2014 this is ridiculous there needs to be a month to get you to appreciate your history. CHOKE YOURSELF!
You Are a Disappointment To The Ancestors
That’s right, I said. You are a disappointment to everyone who fought, died, bled, gave up their children, were mutilated and degraded in hopes that one day we would have an opportunity to flourish like we did pre-slavery times and the rise of Western Culture.
All they have done and you don’t want to take the time to learn about your history, gain some barrings in this world, and stand on your own two feet. You just want to close your eyes and imagine the world will one day be a better place. Ridiculous.
You Are Neglecting Your Pre-America History
Clearly if you are only celebrating black history during February, you are only honoring the slavery days and “post” slavery advancements of the Black Americans. Who do I know this? Because that is all that is promoted in our schools, tv shows, media outlets and publications. These are the only things on the “approved” discussion list, so you clearly have bought this agenda.
You Have Had No Exposure To The Master Teachers
Ok, maybe this isn’t a reason for you to choke yourself, but to choke those in your family and community that have held our Master Teachers from you. There are so many great and wonderful teachers that have brought to life the vast history of our people starting from antiquity to modern day it is a shame you haven’t been exposed to them.
How do I know you haven’t been exposed to them? Simple. If you have, then there is no way the thirst for black history and knowledge to be quenched. They would have opened up a vessel to your soul that couldn’t be filled until you knew everything there was to know about your people, how they did all the amazing things they have done and how we get there again.
Who are these Master Teachers? Well they are too numerous to name, but a good list to get you going would be John Henrik Clarke, Amos Wilson, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, George M. James, Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, Steve Biko, Claude Anderson, Frantz Fanon, Marimba Ani, and many others.
You Are Cheating Your Children
Parents who raise their children to neglect black history all year round is doing them, the community and our collective future a disservice. STOP IT! Teach your babies who they came from and who we were before the madness of Western Culture infected us.
You Fill out the 7th Reason
Finally, I want to get you involved. I know there isn’t a shortage of reasons someone not embracing their history year around should choke themselves, but want to hear a few from you.