Activist Teacher Calculates $59.624 Trillion in Reparations OWED to African Americans | $1.5 Million Each

by | Nov 16, 2015 | History, Politics News | 9 comments

Reparations towards the descendents of slaves has been a hot topic for a long long time now but despite all the talk no government has made any serious steps to address the issue.

Reparations are a serious issue so it really seems ridiculous that it hasn’t been properly discussed but maybe the real reasons is that the amount owed is just too high for the country to even consider.

Every man, women and child who descended from those ensalved in the USA would and should be entitled to reparations for the forced labor, torture and disrespect caused to their ancestors.

But if I were to tell you it would cost at very very very minimum nearly $60 trillion to fulfill such a thing then you can begin to see how from a political and economical perspective things get a little difficult.

So where does the $59.624 Trillion number come from?

Activist teacher crunched the numbers using some very basic calculations. Here is what he had to say:

“If we leave out the reparations for physical violence, genocidal stress, inadmissibility to superior social classes, etc., and only take into account the stolen labor, at the today’s equivalent minimum wage, then the calculation for the minimum amount due to the descendants of slaves is a simple one, as follows.”


70 years (1790 to 1860 period only)
2 million slaves (average number in the period used)
365 days per year (OK, maybe I should exclude one day off per week?)
10 hours of work per day (again a minimum)
$7.25 per hour
$ 3.7 trillion

Then with 2% compound interest to 2000:

$ 3.7 trillion
(1.02)^140 (or 16, if you prefer)
$ 59.2 trillion

More details on this calculation can be found here:

Holy ****, that’s 1.5 million per person. In fairness the figure seems about right and really if you calculate other factors it should be much much more.

So, should reparations be a much higher demand? Of course it would be near impossible for these numbers to be paid out in one shot but surely it’s about time Washington really addressed this! The longer it goes on the more and more this theoretical figure will rise!

What do you think? Should these reparations at this number be paid?

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  1. Sandra Law

    How much is the subscription ? Thank you

  2. Tavares

    How much is it ?

  3. Winslow Padmore

    I would not agree for that sum be paid on an individual basis..but in a quantum ..collective sum for the social and humane development of the Descendants.of ..the Black the form of free education through out their academic life..Trade schools..Colleges..Universities….building of Medical and social facilities.proper housing..financing of entrepreneurship..low income mortgages..All hell would break loose in black communities if every descendant of enslaved black were given individual cash payment of that amount..

    • Reneegede

      Not much more hell than broke out when they paid off “Jews” that had no stake in reparations in America. America had done nothing to those “jews”. America should have been paying those reparations to the people they actually harmed, not the ones they didn’t.

  4. woody

    Reparations should be guaranteed for 200 years. It should be paid in resl property, free education and social, health, and economic care, and with an endowment to ensure the success of HBCU.

    • Reneegede

      I hate to be the one to overstate the obvious, but if the Joshua Generation does not follow through on reparations, Subgenerations XYZ and The Millennials do not have a legal standing and their connections will be removed from them.

      History is being revised on our watch and their connections to the enslavement of Black people for nearly 300 years and the racial injustices and disparities of this hour that are still ongoing will be destroyed in favor of a New Confederacy, and even as we speak Black people are now at the point where they are pretending not to BE Black as in AFRICAN AMERICAN, the soul-stirring Black African-American, because they think their lighter complexion is an excuse NOT to be what they are.

      We ARE the LAST GENERATION who can get it done. It’s now or never forever.

      • D4

        Unfortunately it’s gonna be never forever because America is 21 trillion dollars in debt and would rather be focused on that than reparations. Besides, i don;t think they would be stupid enough to pay this much for only only one race because of something that happened in the past

        • Reneegede

          America makes three times what it spends. The money is there. They have it for everything else, even for “Jews” that were in a position we didn’t put them in – why not us? Why do they suddenly get around to making up fairytales about what we don’t have when Trump is using taxpayer money to pay off his personal debts and governor’s are using it to make stadiums and monuments to themselves…???


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