As if Lupita Nyong’o could get any bigger, she wins an Oscar last night for Best Supporting Actress. The win validates her in the hearts of Hollywood forever, but she was already a star in the eyes of the black community.
Lupita Nyong’o catapulted to fame and worldwide recognition by her performance and success of “12 Years A Slave”, which won Best Picture Oscar as well. The film was widely viewed and appreciated in the black community. Lupita’s performance was said to be brilliant.
I say said to be brilliant because I haven’t seen the movie….and am in no hurry to either. Meh, just how I feel about seeing another portrayal of our times as slaves in this country. Sure, it is a true story. Great. Still not moving enough to make me see even an accurate portrayal, but hey…that is just me.
5 Reasons I Love Lupita Nyong’o
Just because I haven’t seen the movie doesn’t mean I can’t love this woman. You just won’t see her performance in the movie on my list of reasons.
Her Deeply Melanated Skin
I Love It! So much I could say here but her color is lovely. I appreciate the world taking notice, but mostly what it does for our little brothers and sisters struggling in light, bright color complex society we live.
Her Natural Hair
Here is a young, Oscar winner with all natural hair. She is proud to rock her natural hair and I love her for it. Hopefully, she can and will continue the movement of our women wearing their natural hair.
Her Story
I love it because many can relate to it. Many of our young women and men grow up struggling with their skin color, both light and dark. Lupita told a story of a young girl writing her saying she wished she would wake each morning with lighter skin. But when she saw her, Lupita, she knew it was alright to have dark skin. #Powerful
What She Does For Dark Skin Little Girls All Over The World
I have eluded to it already, but want to make sure I get this across. She makes little girls, and boys, all over the world know it is not only alright to have dark skin, but it is beautiful. We know the more they learn to embrace and love the skin they are in, the more they will learn about it. And knowledge is power.
Her Confidence
Not only does she have dark skin, she wears it confidently. Just another reason I feel like she is going to reach many little black girls and boys around the world to infect them with her confidence in her skin.
Why do you love Lupita?