It’s almost been a week since the outrage of the killing of Michael Brown first reached the web. People from all over, including citizens of Ferguson, Missouri, and even those from other countries, have expressed their opinions about how the police department has handled not only this murder, but the peaceful protests that have followed.
Many of us have stayed glued to news outlets, hoping they report new updates, as well as receiving information from reporters, both professional and ground soldiers, on what’s going on. While you may not live in the area and be able to help on the ground, here are 4 ways you can help the people of Ferguson during this time of immediate need:
1. Attend a Peaceful Protest in Your Area
This is not just a local problem. The killing of Michael Brown affects us all, no matter where we live.
There have been protests all over the country, and will no doubt be more this weekend when more people are available. Find a local rally in your area to show your support. If there’s not one in your area, what’s stopping you from organizing one? Get to it.
2. Continue to Spread the News Online
This story would have never gotten as much coverage as it did without the help of social media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Vine have been instrumental in showing the “behind the scenes” story in regards to what happened. We’re getting first hand
accounts from people who are there, who are experiencing this.
Do your part by spreading the word. Share, retweet, and share with your friends and followers the information you’re seeing. Of course, be mindful of the source, but we can’t just rely on CNN to give us the real. The revolution may not be televised, but it will go viral.
3. Have the Tough Conversations
We have to remember what happened: Michael Brown was killed by an officer. Those are just the facts, it’s not up for debate.
This is something that, unfortunately, is not new in our community. If you have sons, or any young man in your life, it’s definitely time to have a conversation with him about what’s going on.
If he’s not aware, explained what happened. Answer his questions to the best of your ability and as honest as possible. Some parents choose to discuss how they would like their sons to act in the event that they’re approached by an officer. I’ll leave the topics up to you, but it’s time to talk. And not just to our sons. This should be an active dialogue within our groups and our communities.
4. Volunteer or Donate
Many people have been taking off work and using their free (and not so free) time to show their support in the city of Ferguson. These people are standing for hours to show their support for Michael Brown’s family, their disdain for the police department and local government’s handling of the situation, and to prove that black lives matter. There are numerous efforts by refutable people to support those who are supporting the cause. One in particular is coordinated with a few people I follow on Twitter. @Nettaaaaaaaa @SheSeauxSaditty @bellebutters @akacharleswade are utilizing monetary donations to buy items such as food, water, and supplies for the protesters. All the money donated is going to the purchase of these things, with receipts and photographic proof that they’re being distributed.
These are literally just a few ways to get involved, but don’t let that stop you. If you have other ideas, share them with the UI family.
There’s strength in numbers, and we will not be ignored.
If you would like to read additional articles about what is happening in Ferguson, MO, be sure to follow the UI website as we continue to report on this matter and many more.