The decision to buy a gun isn’t one to be taken lightly. Once you’ve carefully considered your options and have decided to become a gun owner, it’s tempting to begin shopping for a weapon right away. Most first-time gun buyers begin browsing local gun shops and taking advantage of websites that offer discounted firearms. Before making a purchase however, there are 4 things first-time gun buyers need to do.

Image via Flickr by szuppo
Get Familiar With Gun Laws in Your Area
There are Federal laws that govern the sales of firearms and each state and even certain cities have their own, more restrictive, regulations in place. Before buying a firearm, it’s crucial to learn the applicable laws in your area to be sure that you’ll be in compliance. Also, if you’re planning to use a gun for self-defense, educate yourself on any laws that affect how you can defend yourself, your family and your home.
Take a Gun Safety Course

Image via Flickr by johnath
The importance of taking a certified gun safety course can’t be overstated. Even if you’re comfortable with firearms and have grown up hunting with family members, a gun safety course is a must. These courses offer so much more than simply teaching you how to fire a gun. They typically cover home defense strategies and teach valuable skills so that in a dangerous situation, you’ll be able to act effectively instead of making yourself more of a target.
Consider What Type of Gun You Need
There are so many different types of firearms available, it’s important to know exactly what you’re planning to shoot. The best weapon for home defense isn’t the best one for concealed carry. Often people select a gun based on brand recognition or because they like the look or style of the weapon. When it comes down to actually needing to draw the weapon, having the right one for your situation is going to make all the difference.
Factor in the Cost of Gun Ownership
Owning a firearm is a long-term commitment and the real cost of ownership is higher than just the cost of the weapon itself. You’ll need to estimate how much ammunition you’ll need and how quickly you think you’ll go through it. For example, if you plan to go to a firing range weekly, you’ll likely use a lot of bullets, not to mention the range fees. Also, calculate the cost of a gun safe and any accessories like holsters, gun cleaning kits, and extra magazines. This will give you a clearer idea of how much you should budget for your purchase.
Gun ownership requires a great deal of personal responsibility. Do your research and give careful thought to all the details before making your purchase and you’ll be happier in the long run and you’ll be certain to have the right weapon for your needs. Armed the right gun and the know-how to use it effectively, you can feel secure that you can protect yourself and your family against any threat.