Heptagon, Part 6: Untwist

by | Dec 19, 2015 | Opinion | 0 comments

Body, soul, spirit, and mind.

Those are the four dimensions of human existence on which we are said to connect to everything and everyone else in the universe.

Body, of course, meaning physical contact; soul meaning the physical emotions we display as a direct result of how we feel (or do not feel) about anything we encounter in life; spirit meaning the part of our souls that is in direct contact with God or whatever netherworld experience we tend to want to have at any given moment in time; and mind meaning the part of us that carries on the function of the brain and helps us to think and process information and how to respond or react to it, or to choose not to react or respond at all.

In this transitional phase, as we move from the “second” Black President into this olden white privilege America that will be “taken back” to what it was pre-Obama, [mostly because far too many of us live ‘in the moment’ flying by the seat of our pants instead of thinking ahead and planning for what is to come], it now becomes expedient for us, imperative for us, as a People who do not know that we are a People, to untwist ourselves from the madness that has become our American life’s mantras.

Body, soul, spirit, and mind.

Untwist the lies we have been told our skin color and our “looks”; the lies that we have been told about how we should feel regardless of how anyone else feels about the same thing (a dehumanization process); the lies we have been told about God and even about Christianity, which is nothing more or less than a man-made religion like all the others; and the lies that we have absorbed in our minds that begin a revolving door and cyclical experience back to the lies about our skin color and looks, as well as nearly everything else concerning “being and living Black in America.”

I have come full circle from where this all started for me in 1959, and I am not impressed that Black America is much farther along than it was when I was a teenager myself.

Great strides have been made, but we are still not equal citizens in this land, and not in too many others for that matter — even in the lands of our own foremothers and forefathers in northern Africa, the Middle or the Far East.

The Joshua Generation will be grandparents before we know it (President Obama’s generation and younger, following our 40 Years of Wilderness Wanderings after the Moses Generation from 1968 to 2008)…so …

In case you don’t think your input makes a difference RIGHT NOW, look at the history the generation before us left us because of failure to follow through properly on the Civil Rights Movement.

Too many of us who are grandparents now were raised by 1960s and 1970s “party people” who took their freedom as reason to become better alcoholics and drug addicts than white people already were; and far too many of us who are parents and grandparents now were outright abused and abandoned as children ourselves; and that has had a dire and devastating impact on our children who are children, who are now parents and who are soon to be grandparents themselves.

Our children and/or grandchildren and/or great-grandchildren are already about to inherit whatever it is that we leave them. It not only makes a difference, it is imperative to ACT NOW.

Pray okay, but faith without works is a dead faith, Pray okay, then RISE UP and GET TO STEPPING. If and WHEN God is with us, we will know the success in the end — for their own fears are the very thing that will come upon them and overtake them the fastest. Time has proven that to be a fact of life.

What white supremacists run from is the very thing that ends up overcoming the world so nothing they do is going to win over the Black race, regardless.

But this is no time to fall back and say “whatever will be will be.” What is is because of the members of the Moses Generation who DID act to leave us a legacy to fall back on and use as leverage for better and better outcomes.

Every generation tolerates a little bit less of this mess.

This might be a good time to take an introspective look at who are as a People who do not know that we are a People, and make some qualified and quantified decisions about where we are going from here, and to decide for ourselves “what the end’s gonna be.”

Part 7 – The Finale

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