Birther Mystery Solved: Obama’s Real Father, Frank Marshall Davis, was Born in Kansas

by | Jun 20, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

Frank Marshall Davis was born in 1905 in Arkansas City, Kansas, and Stanley Ann Dunham, Barack Obama’s birth mother, was born in Wichita, or Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, depending on whom you ask. In 1942.

Before Barack Obama leaves office in January of 2017, we just wanted to take the time out to forever dispel any rumors, myths and notions that he was or is not an American citizen, especially since the Republican Party and their Tea-loving Faction, have known all along that both his parents were born in Kansas.

Their story is that a fifty-five year old Black man and a seventeen year old white girl hooked up ‘back in the day’ in order to plan their spawn’s (I mean son’s) eventual takeover of the United States of America, so it would become the United Soviet Socialist Republic of America.

The engineering of Barack Obama’s election from the grave by Frank Marshall Davis approximately 21 years after his death is indisputable, according to them. Of course, Stanley Ann Dunham and Frank Marshall Davis had both been working together on this takeover of the United States (like it’s really that important to them now) ever since she joined her “baby daddy” in death in 1995, thirteen years before Obama was elected.

If you subtract 1987 (the year of Davis’ death) from 1995 (the year of Dunham’s death), you get the number 8. The Number Eight proves that Obama is the “cosmic Christ” who rides the Beast.

Davis, Obama’s alleged “mentor” (really his REAL FATHER, purged from Obama’s memory card and from his book “Dreams from My Father” during the time he ran for President), was a card-carrying member of the Communist Party during (Joseph) Stalin’s reign of terror.

They report that his SECRET Communist Card Record Number was 47544. If you add those numbers together and divide them by EIGHT, the number of the Cosmic Christ, you get the number 3. The number three is like a gifted teenager still under the protection of his deceased parents.

Davis’ connections as a journalist and writer for the Honolulu Record and the Chicago Star, where many [Black] Communists are on record as ‘hidden’ communist journalists, connects together Obama’s birthplace and the place where he began the greater part of his adult life.* This is all very true, according to the Koch Brothers faction of hidden writers and historians for the Tea Party, one of which is Dr. Paul Kengor, Executive Director for The Center for Vision & Values.

Kengor states as follows: “Davis did outrageous Soviet propaganda work in his columns, at every juncture agitating and opposing U.S. attempts to slow Joseph Stalin. He argued that U.S. officials under President Harry Truman—who he portrayed as a racist, fascist, imperialist, and colonialist—and under secretaries of state George Marshall and Dean Acheson were handing West Germany back to the Nazis, while Stalin was pursuing “democracy” in East Germany and the Communist Bloc. He referred to the Marshall Plan as a form of “white imperialism” and “colonial slavery.” He portrayed America’s leaders as “aching for an excuse to launch a nuclear nightmare of mass murder and extermination” against the Soviets and communist Chinese. Davis also harbored a special contempt for Winston Churchill. Davis’s political antics were so radical that the FBI placed him on the federal government’s Security Index, which meant he could be immediately detained in the event of a national emergency, such as a war breaking out between the United States and USSR.”

NOTE: To our knowledge, and those of all witnesses thus far, no “national emergencies” of international significance happened between 1923, the year Davis turned 18; and 1987, the year Davis died. One would be inclined to think that he’d have been detained on several occasions of such national emergencies in that sixty-four year period, such as … uhm … ah ra … ahma … okay, well, anyhoo…  Here’s the deal: F.M.D. did “heart” W.E.B. DuBois who praised Josef Stalin, a lot. And they said they have evidence that F.M.D. mentored B.H.O. Jr. Therefore, if you toss Louis Farrakhan and Jeremiah Wright into the mix, an argument could be made that Obama had no ability whatsoever to think for himself and would just do whatever these white-hating communists would tell him to do, whether in person or through the advent of the American transister radio, or maybe through a microwave, or some such, like a toaster. The fact that they themselves have been duly and certifiably influenced by Hitler, the regimes of fascism, and white church leaders who teach them that Black people are less than human and should be thoroughly disregarded has nothing whatsoever to do with racism against Black people. In other words, the stance of the Tea Party is that it simply makes more economic and business sense that racism favor whites than actually oppose Blacks.

Uh huh.


For some reason or another that nobody gets except them, the Tea Party, that Faction of Hidden Republicans funded by the Secret Koch Brothers Foundation of Citizens United, is still giving themselves an Andrew Breitbart-like cardiac arrest, as well as a dickens of a time with a “Red Scare” as it still applies to the Communists of the (now-defunct) U.S.S.R.

Nothwithstanding all of this are the facts that …

(1) The U.S.S.R. does not exist any more, for which they give highest praise to their own Cosmic Christ, Ronald Wilson Reagan as of 1991 for its demise (it was divided into 15 different Republics, the Russian Federation being the main one); and

(2) The “Red Scare” of the Communist Party of the U.S.S.R. actually ended some time in the 1950s; but in their heads, just like that never-ending replay of the Civil War south, lost in the mid-1800s (and that they think is still going on), and just like the Boston Tea Party that needs to be revisited every election year to re-assert their authority as the “only true American patriots”; and

(3) That Sarah Palin and other “Tea Party Jihadists” (in that true Greco-Roman Christian war against alleged ‘unbelievers’), actually PRAISED Russian President Vladimir Putin while stating that the AMERICAN President, Obama, was “weak” compared to Putin. It was NOT treasonous to do so, of course. One could only suppose that they didn’t think or blink twice about how this act would be perceived in public as supportive of the very Communist-ridden government that they claimed to hate [at least until] Obama was elected President of their OWN country.

Now comes the time to put two and two together to get to the bottom of it.

(4) Since Frank Marshall Davis was actually Obama’s “hidden father” (and not a “hidden Muslim,” but a “hidden Communist” whose public Communist card number was found and reported), that means that The Tea Party knew that Obama was an American citizen all along. The “Kenyan Birth Certificate Hidden Muslim thing” was just a ruse to throw all of us off.

(5) It would seem that the Tea Party would embrace taxation (with representation), especially since they have been the biggest beneficiaries of the taxes paid into the federal coffers by everyone else. (They don’t believe in big-government and taxation, but they prove it by wasting millions of tax dollars, as did their predecessors and role models of the late 1700s). However, they also most ASSUREDLY are not going to give up their cosmic Christ-given rights to put their hands in the pot and take from that which they don’t like paying into.

(6) Considering that their “big government representation” in Congress is well-documented by (a) the Republican President prior to Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover, who caused The Great Depression in the 1920s; and that (b) the only time they feel “not represented” is when they’re not able to tell everyone else what to do and how to do it; and that (c) their more superior presidential representatives, Richard Nixon, George Bush the Former, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush the Latter, upheld the standards to which “all good Patriotic Christian-Americans” should adhere, including something that came close enough to being the Great Depression of the New Millennia.

(7) President Obama, whom the Tea Party faction thumbed their noses at in favor of a Russian President (Putin, of the same “Communist” nation that Obama is hiding the connection from us) refuses to confess that he is, indeed the [secret hidden] son of Frank Marshall Davis, and that he has been planning to convert the United States into a soviet socialist republic -with the help of the more superior white-skinned Putin, of course, all along.

(8) Putin somehow connected with Frank Marshall Davis and Stanley Ann Dunham, both long-time deceased, when he was elected Russian president in 2000. He needed to receive instructions on how to make it appear that he actually hates Obama so that the two of them (Putin and Obama) could secretly slide Communist principles and beliefs into the American system of justice while nobody (mostly themselves) is watching.

(9) According to Kengor’s logic, these secrets are easily detected. In fact, I myself can be directly connected to the True Messiah, the Black Hebrew man Yeshua Himself.

It goes like this: Dan Brown, author of The Da Vinci Code, tells us -in a secret off-handed way- how a Black Hebrew man ended up having children with a Black Judean woman whose white descendants were hidden away in France’s hill country until the time of His return.

Though there are no actual documented records showing that Mary Magdalene (of the Holy Grail Magdalene’s) ever went anywhere near France, especially since it wasn’t founded until 1792; yet and still, if you take 1+7=8 and 9+2=11 and add them together, the number is 19, and 1+9=10, which doesn’t mean a damb thing to me, but they’ll get it together. Ten, along with the number 7, means perfection; so since I am absolutely perfect, I am related to the children of the Holy Grail.


(10) Since Obama’s “doting media” is covering up his hidden relationship to his hidden Communist secretly-known father, Davis; as well as his relationship to the Kremlin and (Iosef) Stalin, (who died before Obama was born), then that is proof undisputable that Obama plans to migrate the United States into a Soviet Socialist Republic. At least until and unless the Tea Party can get Mitt Romney elected in 2016 and “turn back the clock” to the time of the wins of the Revolutionary War (thank the gods who own the American Patriot tea barrels) and the patriotic gains made from 2001-2008 by George Bush the Latter.

Whoomp. There it is.

There you have it.

Definitive proof positive that Barack Obama is indeed, a spawned implant and purveyor of secret Muslim and secret Communist leanings who was destined to “take over the nation and the world” through his deceased father and mother, and with Putin’s secret help eight years BEFORE Obama was actually elected President himself.

Of course, if that is INDEED Obama’s pre-determined destiny, then it stands to reason that there isn’t a damned thing they can do about it anyway.

Not even their future of ambitions of returning this nation to where it was in November of 2008 is going to help them since that is the case. They do not have that kind of power over the “stars and fate of cosmic Christ influences.”

That means that Hillary Rodham Clinton, whom they plan to arrest on national television if she so much as gets in the way of this pre-determined destiny to carry forth the plans of Frank Marshall Davis in 2016, WILL be President.

It is already done. The Messianic Order of Frank Marshall Davis (the true father of the ‘Cosmic Christ’ Obama) and the Communist Party of the 1950s have proven that there is truly nothing they can do about it. It is written.

So let it be written, so let it be done.

As a constituent of mine who hipped me to this Tea Partian “Davis-from-the-grave” ruse to take over the country (and the world) said “Frank Marshall Davis must have been a BAAAAADDD MOTHER-SHUTYOMOUTH” in order to pull all that off and scare the holy-isht out of the Republican Party’s Tea-bagging constituency at the same time.



*The Crisis of the Negro Intellectual by Harold Cruse

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