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The God Genome, Part VI | Urban Intellectuals

The God Genome, Part VI

by | Jun 8, 2014 | Opinion | 0 comments

[Part VI of the Six-part Series “The God Genome”]


We are not and have never been “cursed” as a race of people because of our skin color, and never has there been a curse that colored our people Black.

Our ancestors were created by God – intentionally and unapologetically Black.

The curses are over disobedience, not for the purpose of punishment or continuous worldwide abuse. But even that is about to come to an end.


  Jeremiah 31:29 / New International Version (NIV) “In those days people will no longer say, ‘The parents have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge.’

The scriptures lay out in complete detail from beginning to finish how these curses came about, what happened, how it happened, what is going to happen and the duration of these things, which were never meant to last forever.

We don’t have a timeline, but we have a promise that it will not last always. Our parent’s sins should not forever be our burden to bear, but we continue to repeat them because we have not been taught any better.


Deuteronomy 4:31 /Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)

 (for the Lord thy God is a merciful God;) He will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which He sware unto them. [xREF.]

 This Bible also foretells and describes, in nearly letter-perfect detail, the very historical events that have transpired and taken place since it was written. The definitive stories about historical characters that existed at the time and analogies and “fairytales” of those who had not yet appeared when these items were written down on those scrolls.

Much of that has come to pass, more is coming.

The United States of America is depicted in the scriptures as the The Great Whore of Babylon; and like the Roman Empire, it has to fail because of that whoredom and because of the ravage of Judah’s children in this, a foreigner’s and stranger’s land.

Rome would have had no reason to depict themselves as the ultimate terror of the world as shown in the scriptures, and neither would the Assyrians; but their own fate was not known to them at the time; so they did not “mess over” the scriptures that foretold their own fate and destiny. They didn’t have a clue.

People try to make these interpretations harder than they are.

The Bible describes to-a-T the “terrible people” who would run ramshod over Israel for a lengthy period of time, who would destroy Judah, and even try to claim ownership of Jerusalem.

Rome and Europe, and the Arab nations who temporarily hold the keys to world conquest and supremacy, will not remain in place forever. The scriptures say so.

The Bible also talks about the attack of the Assyrians ‘out of the North’ hundreds of years before it actually happened.

It mentions how they would come against Judah and divide and conquer the land and scatter about its inhabitants to the Four Corners of Earth, where they would remain for a season – a time and times and a half.

Judah does not exist at this time—it has not been restored yet.

It remains that whatever is sitting or standing in Israel right now is not the Lord God’s Remnant People.

The Bible tells us that that remnant shall remain on the Earth, scattered to the Four Winds, or the four corners, not paid any ‘reparations’ or owning any land and beautiful homes and cars in Israel. Those who are there now try to continue their conquest on the Palestinians who are fighting back with everything they have.

America (the U.S.A.) was mistaken in its fixation on and obsession with the European Ashkenazi ad Khazar Jewry of Germany, whom they thought of as the “real” Jews.

The Hebrew people are still lost, without an anchor, almost without a soul, and still wander about the earth in foolishness and darkness. They are without homeland, and without even their truest identity intact to trace themselves back to the point of origin.

There is no one who fits this description in the scriptures BUT those of us who remain in the land, a “remnant” of our ancestors. Even the Gentile Africans, the Nigerians and South Africans to boot, have been situationally redeemed and replenished from the many years of apartheid as they move closer to their point of origins.

We remain in circumstantial darkness, groping about for our lives; our Root. But that is as it may be because it is not yet time: Prepare ye the way of the Lord.

Those pieces, those frayed chipped fractions of our history come gracefully together throughout history when taken in context with scripture.

The science, and the geography, and the geology, and the genealogy fold into the scriptures very easily; and within it is the true meaning of FREEDOM.

Black Americans and those of the diasporas are the one and only race/ethnicity of people on Earth who fit the “cinderella slipper” or “ugly duckling story” of scriptural truth about the true Children of Israel and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

In the final analysis, what some Europeans said about the Bible and what it really is about are two entirely different things. In this we continue to travail.

The sins and errors of those who were not given the Covenant promises except through our redemption, the redemption of the Remnant of Israel, have not gone unnoticed by God, nor will they stand forever.

Judah will be redeemed and restored to its former glory and position in the Kingdom of Heaven, in the New Jerusalem.

The Revolution will, most assuredly, not be televised.


The Chained Heart

The Chained Heart

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