$1M Deposited Into Largest Black Bank By Network of Black Men

by | Aug 22, 2016 | News | 0 comments

This is so amazing, the #BankBlack movement has had a big boost from the BMe community, a non-profit national network of black men.

The network dedicates itself to investing in and strengthening black communities up and down the country.

So, this time, they really did something big!

They made the decision to put million in deposits to One United Bank, which is the nation’s largest black bank.

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The act is one that encourages people to lead by example.


BMe CEO Trabian Shorters told the Root:

“Our network is in six cities. We have 165 BMe leaders that we’ve funded,” and said that “Their work helps about half a million people every year, and it occurred to me that if we want other folks to invest in our communities, then we should lead by example.

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The President and COO of One United, Teri Williams, said that “I think this #BankBlack movement is about more than us moving our money; it is about us moving our minds or just sort of opening up our minds to appreciating the power of our $1.2 trillion in spending power,.. And for us to start connecting with each other and using our money in a more purposeful way.

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So, we better lead by example!

Find your local black bank in our list of black banks by state here.

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