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14 SF Cops Abuse One Legged, Homeless Man After “Mistaking” Crutches for Weapons (VIDEO) | Urban Intellectuals

14 SF Cops Abuse One Legged, Homeless Man After “Mistaking” Crutches for Weapons (VIDEO)

by | Aug 19, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

Another day, another case of police brutality in America. This time the incident happened in San Francisco where the police detained a man with a prosthetic leg after believing his crutches were weapons.

Witnesses on the scene of the abuse say they saw at least 14 officers taking place in the take down of the one legged, homeless man.

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Fortunately, the video was capture on film for the world to continue seeing the fine policing of the American police force.

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Apparently, the police received a call of a man waving sticks around downtown. Those sticks were believed to be weapons, but turned out to be the man’s crutches he used to walk.

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[ADSENSE2]The officers took the man down, claiming he fell, then got on top of him placing their knees in his back and on his prosthetic leg while he was handcuffed, facedown on the pavement. Multiple police officers were on top of him at the same time.

Then other officers built a wall of police around the man on the ground while spectators used their smart phones to record their every action.

“These are my crutches. I use these to walk,” the man explains in the video, right before several officers wrestle him to the ground.

Of course, the police say the man attacked the officers (same old story line) trying to kick and bite them. However, the man was detained, sent to the hospital, but not arrested.

Now when have people “attacked” a police officer and not been arrested?

Source: TheGrio

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