$120B Oil Reserves Makes Haiti In The ONE Percent Wealthiest Nations, Yet Hundreds Die In Hurricane Aftermath!

by | Oct 8, 2016 | News | 0 comments

Hurricane Matthew has hit Haiti hard and in the aftermath nearly 900 people have died with those figures expecting to rise.

The Hurricane itself killed a lot of those people, the flood, the winds breaking buildings, literally throwing people around. However this isn’t the only killer.

100s are suffering and dying from lack of resources. Scarcity of food, clean water and medical supplies. The aftermath is every bit as terrifying as Hurricane Matthew itself.

Haiti is said to be the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Yet it shouldn’t be this way.

Some reports suggest Haiti’s oil reserves are so huge they make Venezula’s look like a cup of water compared to an Olympic sized swimming pool, and they have gold too, a lot of gold.


haitioil120bYet people starve, live in shacks and there is very little people can do to survive without serious hardship.

Haiti News Haiti blog (link) said:

Folks here is the truth, Haiti’s oil reserves are now worth $120 billion US dollars. That means the country of Haiti is among the ONE percent wealthiest nations on earth with its oil resources.


The article goes onto say:

In a paper dated March 27, 2004, Dr. Georges Michel detailed the history of oil discoveries in Haiti and explained why they have not been exploited yet.

According to the report, the big multinational oil companies know about the massive reserves of oil in Haiti, but there was almost too much oil to go around in the 50’s. So they decided that those reserves were not needed at the time and that they would be kept in reserve until later.

The attitude of these big multinational oil companies was, “we shall keep the Haitian deposits and other such layers of deposits in reserve for the 21st century when the Middle Eastern jackpot are all depleted.”

In fact, it was apparently known as far back as 1908 that Haiti has substantial reserves of oil. But those poor people have been kept in abject poverty all this time when they could have been benefiting from all of this oil.

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