WORD, Iran’s President: The U.S. Election, A Choice Between ‘Bad And Worse’

by | Oct 24, 2016 | News, Politics News | 0 comments

Iranian relations and the general view towards the nation have mostly been better since President Hassan Rouhani came to power, however his latest remarks may cause a few sticky situations with the next woman or man to take Office in the USA.

On Sunday he said that the voters choice for the upcoming presidential election was between “bad and worse”, he also pointed out the lack of morality in America!


He said:

“America claims it has more than 200 years of democracy, and they have had 50 presidential elections, but there is no morality in that country,”

The speech by Rouhani was broadcast live on Iranian state television.


He went onto say:

“You saw the presidential debates, how they talk…, how they accuse and mock (each other),”

Talking on who he actually preferred, referring to being asked by another head of state on a UN visit in September, he said:


“I said should I prefer bad over worse or worse over bad?,”

And, honestly, his sentiments, I agree with and understand. Of course Iran has to look internally too, it’s maybe not quite the monster mainstream media always makes it but it certainly isn’t a perfect fantasy land either!

Thanks to the Huff for the story details: http://huff.to/2exeyIf

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