Society has given the impression that it’s OK! to be a single mothers and that info goes into the ears of many Boys. Now it might not be your belief however, in Gen 2;24/Eph 5:31 a MAN will leave his Mother & Father to be joined as 1 with his Wife. Now with all the images that media and artist put out there it seems that’s the way to go and single sites are put all over.
Now I come from parents who have been married 60 years and the issues they faces were quite different that what is faced today, todays society stands on the shoulders of those that came before. Now the stereotype is that Black women have issues so Black men don’t want to put up with them and eventually seek another female. As Boys we grow up with many myths such as ie: if your the 1st she’ll always remember you, if you go down right she’ll be sprung!.
Now these are just some of the things Boys have learned growing up from uncles, brothers and other boys in the hood. Now what many haven’t learned is how to build a relationship on a solid foundation or the value of a Woman. God chose WOMAN to be the ONLY VESSEL to carry LIFE into this world Not MAN. Woman is more precious than any jewel or mineral on earth in fact she brought each one of us into this world. I understand there are those like the females we see on Bad Girls Club however that doesn’t mean their Women. I’m sure most of us can agree that there are those who give Men & Women a BAD NAME right!
So instead of tearing down our sisters how about being an example, or being an example to our brothers. A Woman was meant to be 1 MANS WIFE not a Trophy, lets stop these Boys from wanting to stick it & split. The example needs to be set just like knowing how to manage your money, or any other business learn how to build a foundation of your relationship on The Rock not Quicksand.