Wikileaks Reveals Lies Told By Clinton’s Camp to Steal the Black Vote from Bernie Sanders

by | Oct 17, 2016 | Blog | 0 comments

Democrats are working hard to distract us from the Wikileaks findings showing how shady the Clinton political party was and how they lied to gain the trust of black voters. Here’s a Democratic operative suggesting how Democrats can steal the black vote:

On Thursday, February 26, 2016, sent the following email:

“The black is obvious super critical. Im hearing the same complaint in political circles that I continue to hear while fundraising. ‘The campaign doesn’t value black folks and takes us for granted’. Can I make a suggestion? A black campaign vice chair or Sr advisor would go a long way during the primary and send the message that, Hilary puts her actions where her mouth is, and actually does appreciate the black vote.”

No one should be surprised by this, most politicians don’t care about the black vote until they realize they don’t have it.

It was also revealed that Clinton’s camp, specifically Labor Secretary Tom Perez, deliberately cast Sanders as the candidate of white people to turn minority voters against him:

“Nevada is an opportunity to fight back on so many levels,” Perez argued. “First, the current storyline is that she does not connect well with young voters. Given that Nevada is far more demographically representative of America, I am confident that HRC can do well with all African Americans, Latinos, and Asian Americans (don’t forget the sizeable [sic] population of Asian Americans in Nevada, including Filipinos.).”

Perez continued, “Emmy and the team have a good plan to attract all minority voters. When we do well there, then the narrative changes from Bernie kicks ass among young voters to Bernie does well only among young white liberals—that is a different story and a perfect lead in to South Carolina, where once again, we can work to attract young voters of color. So I think Nevada is a real opportunity, and I would strongly urge HRC to get out there within a couple days of [New Hampshire].”

And don’t forget about John Lewis, who is connected to Hilary, saying he never saw Bernie Saunders during the Civil Rights Movement until pictures surfaced of them standing right next to each other. And Charlie Rangel also lying and saying he doesn’t know one black person who knows Bernie, yet picture surfaced of young Bernie being arrested at civil rights rallies and protests which is more than we can say for either Lewis or Rangel.

None of this is surprising, Hilary has shown herself to be untrustworthy since the campaigning has begun. Nevertheless, the lesser of the two evils is still Clinton over Trump. American politics.


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