On Saturday, a video was allegedly posted, by the fraternity Alpha Tau Omega, using racial slurs throughout a clip from the move, ‘A Bug’s Life’. The video ended with an Anonymous-like broadcast calling for the lynchings and beatings of African-American students on May 2.
Nolan McConnell, president of SIU’s ATO, said no one in his fraternity made the video, which was titled “SIUC White is Right.” Administrators also do not believe that they were involved. Subsequently, Chief Executive Officer of Alpha Tau Omega, Wynn Smiley, released this statement:
Alpha Tau Omega condemns the racist video recently posted on YouTube claiming to be created by ATO’s at Southern Illinois University. The chapter and its members had nothing to do with the creation or distribution of the video and were first made aware of it when the video posted on YouTube. The men of Alpha Tau Omega Southern Illinois University chapter find the message in the video highly offensive and reject any form of racism as a direct assault on the campus community.
Monday afternoon, the SIUC Administration held a press conference about the matter urging everyone to stay calm and that they are doing everything they can. Students feel that there should be a diversity action plan put into place and calls for everyone to wear a #noracism shirt on May 2.
Classes will not be canceled on May 2.