Stokely Carmichael is an extraordinary figure in the Black Power movement and black history in general. He seems to fly under the radar during discussions around black consciousnesses and what we should do as a people moving forward. Lost between Dr. King, Malcolm X, Huey P. and what the War on Drugs have done to us as a people.
But Carmichael is worthy of examination for those who might have glossed over his work and efforts.
Here is a short clip of Stokley Carmichael from the Black Power Mixtape 1967 documentary. Carmichael is discussing the Montgomery bus boycotts orchestrated by Dr. Martin Luther King.
He goes into discussing how boycotts are the most passive of acts a group can do, but it is in alliance with King’s nonviolent mantra.
However, Carmichael says King’s philosophy was built on a false assumption.