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Rev. Wright Says “King Had A Dream. Obama Had A Drone.” | Urban Intellectuals

Rev. Wright Says “King Had A Dream. Obama Had A Drone.”

by | Jan 24, 2014 | News

This is going to ruffle some of your feathers because I know you love President Obama with all your heart, but i’m going to say it anyway. There is no way in hell you should be comparing or even mentioning President Obama in the same sentence with Dr. Martin Luther King. It is an insult to King’s Legacy because the President doesn’t represent any of King’s values.

martin-luther-king-i-have-a-dream-barack-hussein-obama-i-have-a-droneThis is one of the points Rev. Jeremiah Wright was making during a King celebration the other day. He talked about King’s values being that of no war, murder, death, equality and a dedication to the poor. Obama doesn’t embody these values no matter how much you want to close your eyes to his policies, actions and results. It doesn’t change the fact that Obama is just another head of the American machine and if he wasn’t black, the black community would be outraged over his actions instead of defending him at every turn.

Speaking at a breakfast co-hosted by the Chicago Teachers Union to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday, Wright said that while the civil rights leader proclaimed “I have a dream,” Obama says, “I have a drone.”

Wright, Obama’s former pastor, called for King’s “revolution of values” and a rejection of the “three-headed demon” of “racism, militarism and capitalism” — the foundations of Western society, he said.

“Every Tuesday morning, there’s a kill list that the president decides who they’re going to kill this week,” Wright said.


Just because Obama doesn’t call his drone killings war, it doesn’t make him any different or better than G. W. Bush. He is still causing havoc, death and destruction around the world, something King was openly opposed to during his day, so please stop with the comparison of Obama to King. You make yourself sound foolish.

What do you think of Wright’s comments of King had a dream, Obama had a Drone?

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