Protesters Stampeded A London Runway To Stop African Deportation Flights

by | Mar 30, 2017 | Africa, News | 0 comments

Activists blockaded the non-commercial runway at Stansted Airport to stop a mass deportation ’charter flight’ to Nigeria and Ghana. The blockade was live-streamed on Stop Charter Flights’ Facebook Page.

Deportees on the flight include people who fear for their lives and have claimed asylum.

One woman on the flight said: “My ex-husband said he knows I am being deported. He is waiting for me. He is planning to kill me. If he kills me- who will I look after my children?”

Another male deportee said: “I have been in this country for almost 18 years. My family and my life is here in the UK. If they take me back to Ghana I will kill myself.”

There are numerous documented cases of people with valid asylum claims being wrongly put on mass deportation planes, as the high number of people placed on deportations flights is leading to grave administrative errors [3]. Many of the people on the flight have expressed fears that they will be killed on return. One LGBT asylum-seeker said: “The present Nigerian situation is designed to kill gay people.”

Some of the people on the flight have been residing for decades in the UK with established livelihoods, spouses and children, many of whom have not been able to afford the extortionate legal fees required to regularise their citizenship status in the UK.

The above news was taken from an article on, read and learn more in the full article here.

Also, a video from the Stop Charter Flights facebook page is embedded below:

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