Pepsi’s ad showed us something amazing. We can all come togetger over their refreshing tooth rooting sludge. Protesters and police can share joy and happiness… All people of different creeds and color can live in harmony and party, party, party!
So, someone decided that seemed like a great idea and at a city council meeting in Portland, Oregon on Wednesday morning a protester rushed to the mayor, reached into his jacket and handed him a Pepsi!
And the world erupted into happiness and dancing…. OH, wait, no, that’s not what happened!
The protester went a step further by pulling another soda, opening the car, raising a cheer to the mayor and then as you guessed, two police rushed up and dragged him away!
Before approaching the protester had said:
“What I realized is that the language of resistance has not been properly translated, So this is for you.”
This extremely dangerous man says he is Carlos Enrique, a former journalist at the Boston Herald.
He was making light of the recent tone deaf commercial for which Pepsi have now apologised (but personally I still think they should be hit with a boycott!).
The Huff reported:
Enrique testified before the council during a hearing on the subject of abandoned boats. But instead of talking about dirty docks, he commented about unruly citizens at city council meetings.
“It made me kind of wonder,” Enrique told the council. “Like, how can someone just endure people coming and berating you every week and everyone gets mad and you say I’m signing the ordinance anyway?”
The Pepsi incident can be seen at 2:51:00 in the video below: