NYPD Still Waiting On $35 million Reimbursement For Protecting Trump Tower!

by | Mar 12, 2017 | News | 0 comments

President Trump seems to be some kind of money-pit President, just costing the USA millions and millions of dollars so he can cruise around doing what the hell he wants, all at the dime of the taxpayer.

The NYPD have spent an astronomical amount of money on the Celebrity President both on the run-up to him winning and rising since he too office. And much of this is because of Trump tower, which reportedly cost $35 million to police and protect during the run up to the elections alone.

The NYPD is still asking the federal government for remimbursement for the cost of protecting Trump Tower.

Deputy Commissioner John J. Miller told CBS New York on Thursday:

“What this is is, we have an obligation to protect not just the president of the United States while he’s in New York, but also all the residents of Trump Tower both when he’s here and when he’s not here,”

“So this is basically an unfunded federal mandate.”

“So far he hasn’t been here as much as people thought he would be, but put that aside — Trump Tower, where his family lives, it’s his known residence, and now because of his name, it becomes a symbolic target, even when he’s not there,”

“And that means not just the residents of Trump Tower, but everything around it becomes part of that protection package,”

“But that all counts, and the city shouldn’t have to pay for that from its taxpayers for Washington. It’s not like the U.S. government said, just do this if you guys can fit it in. They said, we need this protection and we’re running up a big bill for New Yorkers.”

So basically, the Trump tower residents, whether the FEDs pay up or not get a free personal police force!

Do you think Trump himself should be paying for this bill?

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