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Waiting on Wife to Dry Hair Leads to an Invention That Cuts Hair Drying Time In Half (VIDEO) | Urban Intellectuals

Waiting on Wife to Dry Hair Leads to an Invention That Cuts Hair Drying Time In Half (VIDEO)

by | Sep 1, 2015 | Business, Modern History, News | 0 comments

Necessity is the mother of invention. Throughout history, people have created whatever they needed at the time. And this saying holds true in the creation of a better hair dryer.

Martin McCurtis is the man behind the new and more improved hair drying system. McCurtis is a married father of a young son who was waiting on his wife to finish drying her hair in their hot, humid living room in Mississippi one day when inspiration struck.

Martin-McCurtis Momentum hair dryerMcCurtis, 42 years old, realized there was a massive need to cut hair drying time and increase comfort for those using hood styled hair dryers, the ones prominent in most homes and virtually all salons across the country and perhaps the world.

It was on this day in his home that you could say the Momentum hair drying system was born.

“There is not another hair dryer on Earth that can compare to the Momentum hair dryer,” McCurtis says. “The dryer cuts hair-drying time in half. It is really going to help a lot of people out when it gets on the market.”

What makes the Momentum hair dryer different is it uses basic evaporation principles to improve the drying experience, while cutting the time in half, according to McCurtis. Regular hair dryers blow direct hot air to the user’s hair, while McCurtis’ Momentum invention doesn’t.

Momentum directs the air in the opposite direction, up and away from the user’s face and head. This coupled with an exhaust fan at the top that expex excess humidity changes the entire experience. The process draws fresh air into the breathing space of the user, keeps hair out of their face, avoids the hot spots and dries in half the time.

[ADSENSE2]Momentum directs the air in the opposite direction, up and away from the user’s face and head. This coupled with an exhaust fan at the top that expex excess humidity changes the entire experience. The process draws fresh air into the breathing space of the user, keeps hair out of their face, avoids the hot spots and dries in half the time.

Hopefully McCurtis has a patent on his invention (pretty sure he does), but he is in the market for some partners, investors to help fund the project and ensure it reaches the target market in need. He has started an Indiegogo campaign to try and raise $325,000 needed to create the molds, design and prototypes necessary to carry the Momentum hair dryer invention to market.

If you are interested in learning more about McCurtis’ invention or possibily to invest in his opportunity, then be sure to visit his website here, MomentumDryer, or the donation page here.

We wish Mr. McCurtis the best in this endeavor and can definitely see how salons and businesses across the world would be interested in cutting their hair drying time in half. The quicker a dryer is available, the quicker another head can be dried…and all this equals more money for the shop owners.

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