“Make America White Again” Signs of Congressional Candidate Have Been Removed in Polk County, Tennessee

by | Jun 28, 2016 | Politics News | 0 comments

Polk County has been lately talking about nothing but a sign put up Highway 411 near Benton that say, “Make America White Again.” Sounds racist to you, doesn’t it? But who put up such a sign and what does he want?

Apparently, the sign was put up by Rick Tyler, an independent candidate for Tennessee’s congressional seat.

The congressional race is also run by Republicans Allan Levene, Geoffery Suhmer Smith and current congressman, Chuck Fleischmann, Democratic Michael Friedman, George Ryan Love and Melody Shikari along with Independent Topher Kersting, Cassandra Mitchell and finally, the hero of our story, Rick Tyler.

Not all the signs had “Make America White Again,” for yup, it wasn’t a single sign. Another billboard with the White House surrounded by confederate flags and the statement “I Have A Dream,” quoted from the famous Martin Luther King speech, was placed on Highway 64.
But are the intentions of the signs really racist?

According to Tyler, nope. Tyler simply states that he only wanted the America of 1960s back, with Ozzie and Harriet, Leave It To Beaver and “no mass immigration, violent crime or break-ins.

But what if other people didn’t like it? Tyler thinks that most of the people at the county actually do like it, and welcome its meanings. He saw people taking pictures next to it right after it was posted, according to what he said. Well, does he fear the responses of the people who actually don’t welcome it? Again, according to what he said, nope. He “welcomes any differences and will respond with the application of truth,” according to his statements. “If I could, I would have hundreds of these billboards around the 3rd district.”

The sign only remained in its place for 12 hours before it was eventually removed, although not by Tyler. Strangely, the billboard’s company has not yet confirmed whether it was responsible for removing the signage, and if it were, why it did so.

How were other politicians’ responses? Nearly all were negative. The current congressman Chuck Fleischmann and also part of the elections’ race made a public statement against the sign, condemning the message. Ryan Haynes, the Republican party chairman of Tennessee condemned the signs all the same, insisting that it was “a type of hateful display” that they had no place for in their political discourse.

Well, will this have any effect on the elections’ outcome? Only time can tell. It’s worthy to mention that Tennessee’s primary elections will be held on August 4 while the general elections will be on November 8.


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