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“I’m Sorry” Testimony of White admits she lied in a case that jailed five Black teens 18 years ago! | Urban Intellectuals

“I’m Sorry” Testimony of White admits she lied in a case that jailed five Black teens 18 years ago!

by | Mar 26, 2020 | News | 0 comments

“I’m so sorry for what happened,” Black explained to the commission, which is tasked with reviewing the case and then determining whether the young men were falsely convicted of murder. “I am so sorry for (Jones’ family’s) loss, and I’m sorry that things went as they did … I’m just sorry.”

These are the words of Jessicah Black, she was a key witness who helped send five teenagers to prison for murder 18 years ago.

She gave her testimony during a hearing before the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission and admitted she lied! She ruined their lives!

Story source.

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