Latanza Douglas and her family have been left heartbroken after they went out on Sunday evening and came home to find their home burglarized and covered with racist graffiti including the words “Get Out”, “Ni**er”, Swatstikas and much more.
Now they feel they have to leave the town of Delano in Delaware, despite working with local developer Naresh Uppal to build this dream home.
Douglas said:
“This was supposed to be the last time we were going to move,”
“If it was a burglary, that’s one thing. It happens everywhere. But when you have people judging you for other reasons that you can’t do anything about, that makes it even harder.”
Naresh Uppal had encouraged Douglass to move to the area feeling that the community would be warm and welcoming and worked with Douglas for months to build her dream home. He said
“It took me four, five months just the build that house, just the way she wanted,”
And of seeing the words “Get Out” sprayed on the home he said:
“That was the one that hurt the most because you never want to make anyone feel unwelcome,”
Douglas has foster children and she said:
“These kids have traumas already. So, now we’ve exposed them to another one and it’s not a feeling of safety,”
Watch the video report below and you can help the family on a GoFundMe page here.