Haters of Gabby Douglass, seriously, go F#%K Yourselves.
Gabby, an amazing young woman, stands tall with her GOLD medal while you all sit there twittering on about her personal appearance.
That girl put her blood, sweat and tears out there, she poured her heart and energy into physical excellence.
What did you do? Sit on the couch, judge, try to demean her.
Now, a person of intelligence understands exactly what Gabby is.
She is an athlete, an inspiration. Oh, and she sweats just like you and me.
She worked hard, she isn’t in a beauty pageant, she is a 16 year-old-girl, competing in sports, she can’t be expected to keep her hair pristine at ALL times, her hair will kink, it will sweat, it won’t always be perfect, especially when she is focusing on what matters for her task at hand.
So, again, HATERS, SHUT THE F#%K UP.
Rant Over!
Here’s some amazing Gabby footage!
Doesn’t she seem like an amazing inspiration?