Fox News Shows How Difficult #BeingBlackInAmerica Really Is

by | Dec 19, 2015 | Blog | 0 comments

At what point do white people, police, and the government say enough is enough? Let’s prevent another George Zimmerman situation?

At what point do the police become proactive rather than reactive, especially when all of the signs are there? I have come to realize that the system was made to be reactive for black people, and proactive for white people.

Here you have it, a white man and a black man living as neighbors in a nice neighborhood. The white man does not like it, so he begins to waive confederate flags, put assault rifles in his windows, puts up signs stating trespassers will be shot, and even chases down a school bus full of kids.

You would think this would be enough to arrest this man, right? Well, because of his first amendment rights, there is nothing that the police can do (this is what the police are saying).

I want to pose a question to the readers of Urban Intellectuals.

If the situation was reversed and it was the black man waiving an Islamic flag in his yard, putting assault rifles in all of his windows, and he chased down a school bus full of white kids, as well as put signs all over his yard stating that people will be shot for trespassing…

Do you think the police would fall back and say that this Muslim is enforcing his First Amendment rights?

What are your thoughts on this bullsh*t?

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