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How the First African-American Rolls Royce Dealer Strived to Make His Way Up in the Auto Business | Urban Intellectuals

How the First African-American Rolls Royce Dealer Strived to Make His Way Up in the Auto Business

by | Jun 20, 2016 | Business, Modern History, Positivity | 0 comments

Taking the risk

Dropping out of a doctoral program with just a few credits and dissertation to go is no easy feat. Well, this was the case to Thomas A. Moorehead whose desire to start his own business made him abandon his Ph. D dream. He received an offer to learn the automotive business from his mentor James owner of BradleyBradley and since then he has never looked back. Currently, he owns a luxurious Rolls Royce car dealership-the only dealership of its kind in the entire Washington DC.

Building up his business

Climbing up the ladder in the auto business was not that easy for him. He first started his Buick dealership in Omaha and risked most of his savings as capital. He did his marketing well and hit all his sales targets through hard work. Little did he know that his business would be so reputable that it would spark an offer from the Rolls Royce Motors Car. He now is part of the 33 Rolls Royce dealers across the globe and sells luxury vehicles whose price range between $250,000 to $550,000.

His dream

Moorehead’s primary focus is on his customers. Though he is seen in pictures together with President Obama and Clinton he is still humble enough to appreciate his customers who have helped him succeed in his business. In fact, when you visit his office, you would easily think he is a salesman. According to him customer service comes first.“The boss in the store is not me, it’s the customer, he always says.

Giving Back

At 71, Thomas A. Moorehead feels happy that the foundation he founded in 2004 has donated more than $400,000 to families and not-for-profit organizations in Virginia and the greater Washington, D.C. His wife Joyce, an attorney helps him run the foundation and together they are proud of their achievements.

Thomas A. Moorehead


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