Chief Removes ‘Blue Lives Matter’ From Police Cars ONLY After A Public Backlash!

by | Mar 3, 2017 | News | 0 comments

The Eastern Kentucky Catlettsburg Police department decided it was a good idea to load up a bunch of it’s police cars with the phrase ‘Blue Lives Matter’ and a stylised version of the Punisher logo (I wonder if they got permission?) on the vehicle hoods.

Police Chief Cameron Logan personally oversaw the production and installation of the decals to the cars. He saw it as a warrior call but claimed that it was not racist and of course he believes all lives matter…..

However, the public didn’t react so well with Black Lives Matter activists being upset andmany not liking the use of Punisher, a Vigilante.

SOURCE: 247loaded / Facebook reported:

Logan, a 13-year veteran of the force, considers the skull to be a “warrior logo,” and the overall image was meant to say, “we will take any means necessary to keep our community safe,” he told the Herald-Leader.

The Punisher is a fictional Vietnam War veteran turned vigilante who goes as far as torturing and killing those he deems deserving. The fact that he is a Marvel character now owned by Disney brings copyright infringement concerns into the mix as well, but the top concern of critics is what the symbol means in a time of troubled relationships between the public and police.

“We’re getting so many calls, and they’re saying that the Punisher logo [means] we’re out to kill people, and that’s not the meaning behind that,” Logan told Gizmodo’s io9. “That didn’t cross my mind.”

The decals covered eight police vehicles, including SUVs. The department employs eight full-time and two part-time officers to protect the town population of 2,500, according to the Herald-Leader.

The ‘I didn’t think of that argument’ means this guys is either very very naive, stupid or a damn liar!


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