Trump Attacks Snoop For Shooting Him, When He Should Have Been Discussing Police Violence

by | Mar 16, 2017 | News | 0 comments

Snoop released a new song and video named Lavendar, the well put together piece is a comment on the age we live in, police violence and politics.

At the end of the video a clown-a-alike of Donald Trump puts his hands up, Snoop aims a gun at his head and pulls the trigger…..

Of course, President Trump didn’t like that! I wouldn’t like it…. BUT as the President of the United States to actually waste his time forming a tweet like this….

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account
Can you imagine what the outcry would be if @SnoopDogg, failing career and all, had aimed and fired the gun at President Obama? Jail time!

So, first off…. Snoop is ANYTHING but failing, love him or hate him, his career has been incredibly successful!

Second off, jail-time, for a political rap video? Very doubtful, unless Trump wants to change the laws of free-speech (maybe possible).

Snoop didn’t shoot Trump in the video, although clown cops do shoot clown people (is that an offence against clowns?).

Snoop extended an invitation to start a discussion. If Trump could let go of his ego for five seconds maybe he could have not wasted his time getting upset and done his damn job.

He could have addressed something about police violence, the points being made in the video. Snoop influences his fans, even politically, so Trump should have acted to address this.

BUT, as we are seeing, this man doesn’t know how to do the damn job. He is just an angry ego maniac from what we can see!

Watch the video below, kudos to Snoop.

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